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Step-by-step guide on how to use a term insurance calculator

Term insurance offers many advantages, such as replacing income, providing financial security for your family, and covering unpaid bills and other obligations. Term insurance benefits include:

  1. Financing your children’s education.
  2. Maintaining your family’s standard of living.
  3. Repaying debts like mortgages and loans.

Term insurance calculator

Using a term insurance calculator to optimise these advantages, you must choose the appropriate coverage and premium amount.

The term insurance calculator’s objective

A term insurance calculator’s primary goal is to make selecting the correct term insurance policy more accessible by offering a customised estimate based on unique situations—a personalised quote based on individual circumstances.

Benefits of using a term insurance calculator

  1. Accurate premium calculations
  2. Customised policy recommendations
  3. Informed decision-making
  4. Time and effort savings
  5. Ensures adequate financial protection for loved ones

Step 1: Determine your coverage needs

Determining your coverage needs is one of the most critical steps in using a term insurance calculator. You may ensure your loved ones are financially adequately protected by evaluating your coverage requirements. Enter your personal information first, such as:

  • Age: To calculate your premium rate, enter your current age.
  • Income: Your yearly income will determine the coverage you need.
  • Family members: Total number of parents, spouses, and other dependents
  • Financial obligations: Total amount of loans, mortgages, and outstanding debts
  • Life goals: Getting married, having children, or incurring significant costs

Step 2: Choose your policy term

Choose Your Policy Term is vital in determining the duration of your term insurance coverage. Selecting the correct policy term ensures that your loved ones are financially protected for the desired period. Consider the following when choosing your policy term:

  • Age of dependents: Until they become economically independent
  • Outstanding debts: Until loans or mortgages are repaid
  • Life goals: Until significant expenses are met

Input your preferred policy term in years, typically 5 to 40 years. A longer term may provide extended coverage, while a shorter term may offer lower premiums. Choose wisely to balance coverage and affordability.

Step 3: Select your sum assured

Select Your Sum Assured is crucial in determining the amount your nominees will receive in case of your untimely demise. Consider:

  • Income replacement: 10-15 times your annual income
  • Outstanding debts: Total amount of loans and mortgages
  • Life goals: Education, marriage, or other significant expenses

Enter your desired amount guaranteed, which usually ranges from ₹ five lakhs to ₹ one crore or more. While a lower sum assured could result in cheaper premiums, a higher sum assured offers more financial stability. Choose wisely to balance coverage and affordability.

Step 4: Add riders (Optional)

Add Riders enhances your term insurance policy with additional benefits. Riders provide extra financial protection against critical illnesses, accidents, or disabilities. They add a supplementary coverage layer to your base policy, providing a lump-sum payout or income replacement if the specified event occurs.

To add riders, select from options like:

  • Critical Illness Rider
  • Accidental Death Benefit Rider
  • Waiver of Premium Rider
  • Income Benefit Rider

Choose riders that align with your needs and budget.

Step 5: Get your premium quote

The last step is to “Get Your Premium Quote,” where the calculator uses your inputs to create a customised premium quote. Using your age, income, coverage requirements, policy term, sum assured, and riders (if added), the calculator calculates your premium. Review your quote carefully, considering:

  • Premium amount
  • Payment frequency (monthly, annually)
  • Policy benefits
  • Rider benefits (if added)

Adjust your quote as needed by modifying your inputs, such as increasing or decreasing the sum assured, policy term, or riders.

Tips and considerations

Here are some pointers and things to think about while utilising a term insurance calculator:

  1. Understand the policy terms: Review the terms, conditions, and exclusions.
  2. Disclose accurate information: Provide truthful and correct personal and health information to ensure accurate quotes and avoid claim rejections.
  3. Consider inflation: An inflation factor ensures your coverage increases over time, maintaining its purchasing power.
  4. Evaluate riders and add-ons: Consider additional benefits like critical illness, accidental death, or waiver of premium riders.
  5. Compare quotes: Use the calculator to compare quotations from several insurers to get the most excellent coverage at the most affordable cost.
  6. Review and revise: Regularly review your policy and modify your coverage as circumstances change (e.g., marriage, children, or income).
  7. Check insurer credibility: Research the insurer’s reputation, financial stability, and claim settlement ratio.
  8. Read policy documents thoroughly, paying attention to the fine print to determine what is and is not covered.


To sum up, a term insurance calculator is a valuable tool for planning your term insurance coverage. It helps you determine the right coverage amount, policy term, and premium, ensuring you make an informed decision.

Using a term insurance calculator, you can secure your family’s financial future, achieve peace of mind, and protect your loved ones from unexpected events.

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