Many newcomers to the world of freelancing start by making big promises to their clients and undervaluing their work and time.
This leads to many hours on a project needing to be paid and burnout, which is why many freelancers fail after one year.
However, successful freelancers utilize freelance time tracking software to keep accurate invoices and help them, and their clients better understand how they spent their time on a project. This article will examine the many responses to using time-tracking software. Continue reading below to learn more.
Track Your Work Hours Anywhere
The beauty of being a freelancer is that you can work anywhere in the world, especially if your work takes place entirely online. However, you need to be able to track your time, no matter where you are or what devices you are using. With freelance time tracking software, you can track your time on your phone, laptop, or desktop so that you can create accurate invoices for your clients and realistic deadlines for your next proposal.
Track How You Spent Your Time
Freelance time tracking software allows you to get accurate reporting on how you spend your time on a project, on a specific day, or client. This allows you to better understand where your time goes and can help you create a plan to optimize your time.
Additionally, freelance time tracking allows you to communicate better with your clients. Time tracking software lets you create invoices with details on your time spent handling the project. Clients want to know where their money goes, and with time-tracking-infused invoices, they will have a clearer picture.
Create Custom Invoices
The fear many have about becoming freelancers is that they will be underpaid on a project if it takes longer than expected. With freelance time tracking software, you can create custom invoices for all the extra time committed to a project. If the client has extra revisions or features they want on a project you will be able to accurately charge them for any unforeseen work. Custom invoices using time tracking data protect freelancers from being unpaid or taken advantage of by clients who add demands to a project after an agreed-upon proposal.
Improve Collaboration
Communication is key when collaborating on a project, whether you are working with other freelancers or running an independent team. With freelance time tracking software, you and your team can easily see what other parts of the project other members are putting their time into, helping avoid overlap and helping the client get a clearer picture of the state of the project. It also helps independent freelancers working on the same project create custom invoices with their hours and duties on the project tracked separately from the other freelancers.
Time Tracking Software Makes Life Easier
Freelancing has many perks, including being your own boss and making your own schedule. However, with that freedom comes the responsibility of using it wisely, which is where many new freelancers struggle. With freelance time-tracking software, you can optimize your time and get paid appropriately.
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