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Maximise your retirement savings with the NPS pension calculator

Are you wondering how to ensure a pleasant retirement in India? One useful method is to use the NPS pension calculator. This tool can help you make educated decisions about your National Pension System (NPS) investments, allowing you to optimise your retirement savings. Let’s look at how you may use this calculator to prepare for a financially secure future.

How to maximise your retirement savings with NPS pension calculator

  • Start early

The benefits of starting your NPS investments early are immense due to the power of compound interest. By using the NPS pension calculator, you can simulate various starting ages to see the difference in your retirement corpus. Early contributions enable the money to compound over a longer period, meaning the retirement kitty will be larger.

For instance, if you begin contributing Rs. 5,000 per month to the NPS from age 25, the pension calculator will reveal a far higher corpus than if you were to begin contributing at 35 due to compounded returns.

  • Understand your contribution limits

It also helps to familiarise yourself with the NPS contribution limits if you want to maximise your savings. To illustrate how much increasing your contributions can affect your pension savings, plug in different contribution amounts into the NPS pension calculator.

Currently, the maximum permissible annual contribution towards tax benefits is Rs. 2 lakh under Section 80C and Rs. 1 lakh under Section 80CCD(1B). By entering this maximum amount into the calculator, you can find out how it impacts the retirement corpus.

  • Set realistic goals

Utilise the NPS pension calculator to ensure that the retirement goals are achievable. With this tool, you can find out how much you will have to put aside each month to achieve a certain retirement age and a certain monthly pension. This aids in planning your input and establishing realistic goals that may be set.

For instance, if you want to have Rs. 50000 per month for pension, the tool will let you know how much corpus you need to accumulate, and how much you need to save each month to meet the target.

  • Choose the right asset allocation

NPS lets you invest in equity, corporate bonds, and government securities using your money. To get an idea of how various assets perform when included in a portfolio, use the calculator to model different portfolios. Whereas, more exposure to equities might provide higher returns but at the same time, there are higher risks involved.

If you change the asset allocation settings in the calculator, you can compare the performance of a portfolio consisting of 50% equities, 30% corporate bonds, and 20% government securities with that of a more conservative portfolio.

  • Regularly increase contributions

With annual salary reviews and bonuses, it may also be a good time to increase your NPS contributions. The NPS pension calculator can also illustrate how extra contributions can help improve your pension kitty. This means that even if the changes are small, their cumulative effect is very large.

To understand how it works, you can enter an additional yearly contribution of Rs. 50,000, which may be received as an annual bonus.

  • Utilise the power of compounding

The NPS pension calculator shows you how compounding works on your investments over the years. Consistent deposits and utilising the returns to invest in the retirement plan can help boost retirement savings.

The calculator helps illustrate how much Rs. 5,000 invested every month for 30 years compounds over the years.

  • Consider lump sum investments

If you get a windfall or bonus, try the lumpsum calculator to know how a one-time investment affects your NPS corpus. This can significantly increase your retirement savings.

If you want to know how a lump sum investment of Rs. 1 lakh will impact your retirement corpus, you can input that into the calculator.

  • Factor in inflation

Inflation should always be taken into consideration when you are planning for your retirement. To increase your pension contributions and expected returns with inflation, use the NPS pension calculator.

If the inflation rate is 5%, the calculator can help you adjust your target corpus to the present value so you can retain the same value in the future.

  • Plan for partial withdrawals

NPS permits partial withdrawal for some needs such as medical bills and education expenses. You can use the calculator to see how much of a dent these withdrawals can make on your retirement corpus and then modify your contributions.

Using the calculator to simulate a partial withdrawal of Rs. 2 lakh for a medical emergency will help you understand the impact on the final retirement corpus.

  • Take advantage of tax benefits

NPS contributions are also tax-exempt under sections 80C and 80CCD(1B). Include these tax benefits in the calculator which would add up more to your net savings and enrich your retirement savings.

By plugging your annual contribution into the calculator, along with the tax benefit parameters, it can illustrate the net addition to your retirement savings.

  • Opt for auto-choice allocation

If you do not know how to invest your money, you can use the Auto Choice feature. The NPS pension calculator can assist you in understanding how age-based investment plans can impact your pension funds.

The Auto Choice setting in the calculator can demonstrate how the asset allocation changes with age, thereby providing a balance between risk and return.

  • Review investment performance

As a rule, you should monitor the performance of your NPS investments. You can also use the calculator to see how market changes will affect your returns and then adjust your investment plan accordingly.

You can use the calculator to determine if your current asset allocation is still viable by inputting recent market performance data.

  • Rebalance your portfolio

When you are close to retirement age, it may be wise to move out of high-risk equities into debt securities. Plan and implement these changes with the help of the NPS pension calculator so that you can preserve the wealth you have earned.

Switching from a high equity exposure to a more conservative portfolio in the calculator helps demonstrate how the retirement corpus is protected as one approaches retirement age.

  • Estimate your annuity needs

When you retire, you have to invest at least 40% of the corpus in an annuity plan. Use the calculator to find out the amount of money you need to set aside for a comfortable monthly pension.

You can input your expected retirement corpus in the calculator to arrive at the monthly pension you would receive from the annuity purchase.

  • Compare with other investment options

Use the NPS pension calculator alongside other tools like the NSC interest rate calculator to compare different investment options. This helps you choose the best strategy to maximise your retirement savings.

Comparing the returns from NPS with those from National Savings Certificates using their respective calculators can help you make informed investment decisions.


Getting the most out of your retirement savings using the NPS pension calculator requires proper planning and frequent changes. If you start early, know your contribution limits, have reasonable targets, and make appropriate choices regarding asset allocation and contributions, you can achieve a financially secure retirement. Some of the tips when following this process include reviewing and revising the plan from time to time, considering inflation and utilising tax advantages. Be up to date, consult with a professional if necessary, and make the most out of the NPS pension calculator to plan for your retirement.

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