Humans need water to survive. However, water quality remains a concern today in many parts of the world. People can take measures at home to ensure they have access to clean drinking water.
When a person travels, however, they cannot know what is in the water they are drinking. This water often contains countless impurities that can make a person sick. At home, the person may have a water filtration system to remove these impurities, and they want the same when traveling.
An effective water purification system removes impurities such as chlorine and prescription medications. A portable water filter is of help in removing the contaminants. Best of all, it can go wherever the person goes. Most styles are similar to water jugs. However, they have a filter that cleans tap water and makes it safe for human consumption.
Portable Water Filter Options
When a person wants to purchase a portable water filter, they find there are several options. Activated carbon filters use processed carbon to remove VOCs, sediment, and chlorine. Reverse osmosis filters remove contaminants such as heavy metals and microbes by using a semi-permeable membrane.
Large pieces of sediment and silt are best removed by a sediment filter, which is designed to trap these particles. Choose an ion exchange filter to remove unwanted ions from the water supply. Often referred to as an IX filter, this device softens hard water while removing excess minerals from the supply. Another option is a filter that uses UV light to eliminate viruses, bacteria, and other micro-organisms.
However, many people today choose The Berkey. This system uses elements made up of microscopic pores. The pores trap the contaminants present in the water using a revolutionary material that attracts the molecules and contaminants. Independent third-party testing by accredited labs has found that this system is capable of removing over 200 contaminants frequently found in drinking water.

The Benefits of a Portable Water Filtration System
Why would a person need a portable water filtration system? A person cannot live without water for any length of time. Having access to clean, fresh water isn’t always guaranteed, which means taking precautions to protect a person’s health is crucial. The use of a portable water filtration system offers the following benefits.
Ease of Use
Many people choose to purchase a portable or travel water filter because they are easy to use. This serves as the ideal solution for people who are on a budget and need access to drinking water that is both clean and safe when on the go.
While each filter differs slightly in terms of how it is used, most devices of this type require the user to do nothing more than pour water into the unit. The filtration technology handles the rest of the process. When its work is complete, the person pours the water out of the device and drinks it or uses it for another purpose. That’s all that is required of them.
Little Maintenance Required
People love how easy it is to maintain a travel water filter. Unlike conventional filters, a person only needs to replace the travel water filter periodically to have access to clean water. The filters don’t cost much either, which users will appreciate.
A Versatile Device
A person might find they don’t travel enough to need a portable water filtration system. However, they have concerns about the water they drink at home. A whole-house water filtration system comes with a high price tag.
The portable device is a good compromise. They can use it at home to ensure they have clean water to drink. If they do go somewhere where water quality is a concern, they already own a device that will ensure they have clean drinking water.
Better for the Environment
A person might find they need to carry drinking water with them while traveling to have a safe and clean source of water at all times. Many people would stock up on plastic water bottles to ensure they had this water. Each bottle would be discarded once the water was gone.
As a result, landfills began filling up with plastic water bottles. These bottles take a long time to disintegrate. With the help of a portable water filtration system, a person no longer needs to spend money on disposable water bottles. Not only are they saving themselves money by investing in a device of this type, they are also protecting the environment for future generations to enjoy.
No Chemicals
Travel water filters don’t use any chemicals to clean and filter the water. This means there are no extra chemicals in the water the user is drinking. As previously mentioned, there are many portable filtration devices in the market today. Each uses a different type of filtration system. However, none of these systems require the use of chemicals to purify the water, which is a big plus.
Easy to Carry
A travel water filter takes up little room in a person’s baggage. This ensures the user has clean and safe water everywhere they go. In fact, these devices may even be used when a person is engaging in outdoor activities.
A full filtration system weighs too much and is too big to go places with a person. The portable water filter ensures they won’t be stuck with dirty water regardless of where life takes them.
Improved Taste and Smell
At times, drinking water may have a smell or taste that isn’t pleasant. While it may not be harmful to drink, the impurities in the water make it unpleasant to consume. However, a person needs water to survive and prevent dehydration. With a portable water filtration, they have access to clean, fresh water.
The filtration system removes the chemicals and impurities, leaving behind water that smells and tastes good. A person will find their drink to be refreshing rather than just something they need to survive.
Clean Water for Better Health
The main reason individuals purchase a water filtration device, however, is they want to protect their health. The water they drink may contain bacteria and other harmful elements. With this device, they never have to worry about what they are putting into their body. They know the water they are consuming is free of harmful elements.
The quality of the water improves when a filter is used. It removes elements that may not be harmful to humans, but that a person might not want to drink. Chlorine is a good example of an element a person might want removed from their water. With the help of the filter, it is.
Proper Hydration
The human body is made up of approximately 60 percent water. This water must be replenished on a regular basis. While many drinks will help a person remain hydrated, nothing is better for the body than water. The portable water filtration system ensures a person has clean, safe water to drink and maintains the proper levels of this substance in their body.
In fact, the Mayo Clinic recommends every person drink a minimum of 2.7 to 3.7 liters of water every day for their health, with men needing the higher amount. This water, however, must be safe and from a dependable source. When a person has a travel water filter, this water is always available.
When Does a Portable Water Filter Become Useful?
As mentioned, many people purchase a device of this type when traveling or to use at home if they cannot afford a whole-house water filtration system. However, a person who spends a great deal of time outdoors will find this filter is helpful. They will always have clean water to drink if they cannot find a water source.
A person might also want to take water when they are going to a place where there will be large crowds. They worry about refilling their bottle at a water fountain where a person’s mouth might have been. They could accidentally pick up germs if a person who used the water fountain was ill.
The same holds for children who attend school. Germs are often spread by water fountains in these settings. Many companies sell reusable water bottles for a single person, which parents can invest in for their children. A parent may even wish to get a portable filtration device for the classroom so every child in the room has access to clean, germ-free water.
The same holds when visiting a big city. A person might not want to refill a water bottle at a public filling station because they don’t know who has used the station before them. However, many places now charge for a cup of water. The easiest way to have access to water without paying a fortune is to invest in one of these portable devices and take it everywhere.
People need to compare several models when choosing a portable water filter. Needs differ depending on the person’s budget and the frequency of their water filter use. With some time and effort on the part of the user, finding the right water filter won’t be a challenge.
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