Liposuction is a surgical procedure typically carried out inside a doctor’s office or surgical suite. This common plastic surgery process removes excess fat in targeted areas of the body, leading to a sleeker and more toned appearance. Before committing to a liposuction procedure, individuals must explore their options and know what to expect.
What Is Liposuction and How Does It Work?
Before deciding on liposuction, you must know what this procedure is and what to expect from the process. Individuals should also check out before and after photos to help them know what to expect from the outcome. In most cases, liposuction is done under a local anesthetic.
Liposuction uses a special surgical tool called a microcannula. This device destroys and suctions fat cells from the body. Once removed, the cells never regrow. During the procedure, surgeons make small incisions in the treatment areas. Into the incisions, the surgeon will inject fluid to stop the pain and prevent bleeding. This initial process takes around an hour to complete.
The microcannula removes fat from the treatment area, sucking it out of your body. The fat suctioning portion of treatment usually takes an additional hour. Most people recover rapidly and can go back to their normal activity levels within a short time.
It takes days or even weeks for people to begin noticing changes in their treated areas. Full results are not noticeable until six months after treatment.

Critical Things to Keep in Mind Regarding Liposuction
Well-informed patients make better decisions about their procedures. Taking the time to research and learn about the procedure and possible side effects will prepare patients to take charge of their bodies and make informed decisions.
New Technology May Not Be Best
As new technology rises, it will likely never replace the older and more established methods of liposuction treatment. Tumescent liposuction is the gold standard for treatment. Laser liposuction is not necessarily a better treatment. Before deciding on any type of liposuction, study the options carefully.
Liposuction Is Not for Weight Loss
Do not seek liposuction for weight loss. Many people mistakenly believe they can lose those stubborn pounds by sucking out fat. Ideally, individuals should be at or close to their ideal body weight before pursuing this procedure. Liposuction is only to be used as a tool when fat hangs around after weight loss.
Expect Moderate Results
One should never expect perfection regarding liposuction. Most people experience significant improvements to the flabbiness in treated areas, but this is not a miracle cure. Expecting the attainable is much better than considering you will achieve perfection.
Consider the Risks
As with any surgical procedure, there are risks with liposuction. Most people never experience major complications, but there is the possibility of developing infections, bruising, bleeding, swelling, and other issues. Talk with your surgeon about the risks, and make an informed decision.
The Procedure Causes Pain
Most people do not like to hear about being in pain, but it is important to be realistic. There is going to be soreness after the procedure. The introduction of the microcannula can lead to bruising and pain. Most people do well take an over-the-counter pain reliever during their recovery process.
Stop Smoking
Those considering liposuction should stop smoking first. Smoking reduces the body’s ability to heal properly. By slowing the flow of blood, healing will take longer because of smoking. You should stop smoking about six weeks before liposuction treatment to ensure healing will proceed as expected and without complications.
Liposuction Treatments are Safe and Effective
Liposuction was first introduced in 1975. It has come a long way since its first procedure. Today, advances in medical science have allowed for more effective and safer treatments than before. Recovery times are less, and people experience fewer side effects.
Those seeking these procedures need to be aware of the risk factors and what to expect. Liposuction procedures take about two hours, and most people can go back to their normal routines within a few days. Full results will not appear until after about six months. Some people may require subsequent treatments to achieve the results they desire. Liposuction permanently removes excess fat in the treatment areas and helps offer a smoother and more toned appearance.
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