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Scalable Workflows for Proper Game Asset Management

Game Asset Management (GAM) is the process of tracking, organizing and maintaining the various pieces of data which comprise a digital project in the gaming industry. It is a critical component of game development, as it helps to ensure efficient organization and efficient production of the gaming project at hand. By proper game asset management, game studios are able to more effectively and efficiently develop and publish their products, as well as support them with significant updates and expansions down the line.

Organizing Assets

The primary step for any game asset management strategy is organizing assets. This entails a complete visual review of the assets that will be used in the co-development of the game. It is important to have a well-defined process in place for capturing, sorting, and organizing assets. This process should be designed to ensure that the team can quickly find and access the assets needed and provide an efficient way of collaborating. Additionally, proper asset organization aids the team in avoiding conflicts and merges during development and deployment of the co-development game.


Pre-production is the first phase of game asset management and is meant to ensure that assets are properly organized and categorized.

Capturing Assets

Capturing assets is the first step of pre-production. This entails the game team understanding and capturing the game’s assets for efficient organizing. This involves properly archiving game designs, storyboards, animatics, raw artwork, audio, and materials throughout the development process.

Sorting Assets

The next step is to sort the various assets according to the type of asset and its purpose. This involves sorting assets according to objects in the game, such as characters, vehicles, weapons, environments, etc. As well as sorting assets according to their style, such as models, textures, lighting, animation, etc. Having the assets properly sorted will make them easier to find and retrieve during development.

Organizing Assets

Once the assets are sorted, it is then time to organize them accordingly. With the right asset organization system, game developers can accelerate their production process significantly, as they will be able to quickly find the assets they need and can make timely changes without running into conflict and merge problems.


The production phase in game asset management is where the game studio can really maximize its workflow. During production, various methods can be employed for optimally organizing, managing, and delivering game assets.

File Organization

File organization is the first step in production and involves organizing the various assets in the game project into a structure that is easy to navigate and access. This can involve creating a hierarchy of folders that can be organized in such a way that the assets are easily discoverable and retrievable. It is also important to ensure that the file structure is compatible with the game’s engine, so that developers can access the assets quickly and easily.

Asset Optimization

The next step in production is asset optimization, which is the process of making assets as efficient as possible for use in gaming projects. This can involve various techniques such as reducing file size, optimizing textures, and reducing the complexity of objects. By properly optimizing game assets, developers can ensure that their games run smoothly and load quickly.

Managing Workflow

Finally, proper asset management also involves managing workflow in such a way that tasks are efficiently completed and tracked. This requires effective tracking and communication of tasks between team members, as well as collaboration and review of game assets. This ensures that the team is able to efficiently complete tasks and develop games within the limited timeline.


The post-production phase is the last phase of game asset management. During this phase, the team can focus on polishing and publishing their game.

Testing and Debugging

Testing and debugging are essential tasks during the post-production phase. This involves running various tests on the game to make sure that it runs smoothly and there are no bugs or glitches. Additionally, this also entails debugging the game if there are any issues, either through patches or by completely redeveloping parts of the game.

Publishing and Delivering

Finally, post-production also consists of publishing and delivering the game. This involves submitting the game to game stores, online platforms, as well as promotional campaigns to ensure that the game reaches its target audience and gains traction.


Game asset management (GAM) is an essential part of game development and ensures that the process is completed in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Proper GAM consists of organizing assets, pre-production, production, and post-production. Organizing assets entails capturing, sorting, and organizing assets, while pre-production entails properly establishing a game’s assets. During production, asset optimization and efficient workflow management are important for quality game development. Lastly, post-production includes testing and debugging as well as publishing and delivering the game. Proper GAM is therefore a pivotal part of any successful digital project in the gaming industry.

Future Trends in Game Asset Management

In the future, many game studios will likely explore the possibility of cloud-based game asset management. This can potentially streamline the entire process, as developers can access and manage assets remotely from any device and any location. Additionally, more advanced analytics capabilities will be developed to adequately assess gaming projects and ensure that development is proceeding as planned. Finally, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be increasingly used to automate certain parts of the game asset management process to help with optimization and debugging.

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