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Implementing Mobile Phone Tracking Solutions in Business Operations

Have you ever worked in a company where mobile phones are banned at the workplace? If you haven’t – just for your knowledge, this practice is pretty common in big corporations. Workers are requested to leave their phones and smartwatches in the lockers at the entrance. It is made to avoid the leak of important corporal information.

However, it is not the only practice. Many companies use mobile devices to their benefit to control the employees’ activity and ensure their safety. One of the ways to do this is by installing a mobile phone tracker on their phones. Let’s dive deeper into this matter and find out how it may help.

Ensuring Workers’ Safety

A bad boss values money, a good boss knows that time is money, and a good and experienced boss understands that time values nothing without good workers. Thus, upon finding an employee who fits your team, knows what to do, is flexible, and is a critical thinker, you must do everything to ensure they stay with you and are safe.

Installing a mobile tracker on their device is one of the easiest ways to do so. In such a way, you will always know where they are and if they need help. Of course, installing a tracker on one’s phone without their knowledge is illegal. Still, as an employer, you can either explain to them why it is important or simply give a corporate phone with a pre-installed hidden tracker on it.

Controlling Productivity

Chinese employers complain that young people coming to their companies take long toilet breaks and surf the internet for hours sitting in the cabin. Although this “trend” is not so popular worldwide now, we all know that everything appearing in China will spread sooner or later.

For Western workers, it is pretty common to discuss personal issues during their workday. They use corporate devices to chat on WhatsApp and Messenger and are sure it is their legal, constitutional right. Obviously, it is not, and any lawyer, even a bad one, will break this statement into pieces.

Anyway, stepping aside from the legal matters, a boss wants to see productive work results and know what they pay money for. So, if productivity has not been satisfying for some time – it is possible to install a phone tracker on employees’ devices and check what they do during their working time. If you see your worker texting their friend or spouse for hours – it is time for a serious talk.

Ensuring Information Security

Business is a battlefield; competitors play fairly and dirty, depending on the circumstances. Money does not smell, as people say, so they might even try to steal important data from your company by bribing your employees.

It is when phone spies come to save you. They have a bunch of features that may be of great use:

  • application monitoring, which helps you check if there is any audio recording happening;
  • messages spy to see if your workers communicate with competitors;
  • call tracking to stay abreast of all their talks.

You may say it sounds like spy movies, but hey, who knows, maybe one of your workers is already selling information to your competitors, and you are not aware of it because you do not use phone trackers?

What Tracker to Use?

As an employer and business owner, you may wonder about the best phone tracker app. Well, there is a whole bunch of good monitoring software, but one of the most prominent titles is uMobix.

It can be installed remotely on Apple devices, which is especially great if you give some older iPhone models to your workers as corporate devices. Moreover, it is possible to hide its icon so that people never know they have a tracker on their iPhone or Android.

As for its features, uMobix has everything you may ever need in any situation:

  • location tracker;
  • messages spy;
  • call logs recorder;
  • keylogger;
  • social media monitoring feature.

uMobix has several payment plans, and you may also request a $1 trial via its support service. The moment you feel it really helps – just purchase as many subscriptions as you need.


Are phone trackers stealthy?

A better word to describe phone trackers would be “hidden”. When installing, you will be offered the option to hide the icon from the menu, which is the main point. If someone dives deeper and installs some type of application manager – they might notice an unusual app. Would they pay attention to it – this is another question.

What phone tracker to choose?

uMobix is the best mobile phone tracker. Well, it is one of them. We cannot be so emphatic. Anyway, regarding features provided, payment plans, and functionality, uMobix deserves its place in the top 5 list of monitoring applications.

Why is it important to install trackers on my workers’ phones?

First of all, good workers are hard to find, so as an employer, you must ensure their safety; mobile trackers help you do this by tracking location. Second, in such a way, you supervise what people do during their working hours, and if they prefer to surf social networks – you can start acting immediately. Finally, it helps you in the so-called “business war” with your competitors.


Hopefully, you won’t underestimate the importance of mobile phone trackers for business. It may help you in many aspects, from caring about your employees to protecting your business from leaking. It is important to understand that you cannot install it on devices you do not own without permission, but this is what corporate phones exist for. Do not stigmatize trackers as if they are doing something terrible. Remember, they are your friends and assistants, not foes.

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