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The Main Myths and Truths About Copywriting

As in any profession, being a top-notch copywriter is not easy. It’s a multidimensional job that requires certain skills and talents. But that’s not always clear to everyone. That’s why many myths surround copywriting.

For example, a common myth is that professional copywriting is nothing more than writing. Well, this is very far from the truth.

But at the same time, there are some truths that need to be said about copywriting.

In this post, we will look at both myths and truths. Without further ado, let us get right to the point.

Photo by Luca Onniboni on Unsplash

What is Copywriting? The Main Skills of Copywriters

Contrary to what many believe, copywriting is more than just a marketing tool. A copywriter is a content producer with the skills and talent to capture the reader’s attention and convince them to choose a service or product.

This is one of the main reasons why a professional copywriter is always essential to a company’s digital marketing plan. A successful copywriter has advanced research, writing, and communication skills.

But that’s not all. A copywriter should also be able to accompany their written content with engaging visuals. Including multimedia elements ensures readers understand the content and are more entertained and focused on the text. Scattering images isn’t enough to jazz up the article and make it eye-popping. A skilled copywriter knows where to include an infographic or use a background remover to eliminate redundancy so that the reader is well aware of what they read and is likely to make a purchase.

So that’s what a copywriter is for. Let us start with the myths that surround this creative profession.

4 Myths About Copywriting you Should Stop Believing

1. Copywriting is Nothing But Writing

This is one of the most common myths related to copywriting. The truth is that, of course, copywriting includes a writing process. But, the role includes much more than that. 

Persuading a reader/visitor to make a purchase is more of an art that is combined with certain scientific processes. A top-notch copywriter helps businesses solve problems, create valuable content, and ultimately increase sales. 

2. Copywriting is the Same as Blogging 

Again, a copywriter has a completely different role than a blogger. Of course, the element of content creation is the same for both roles. But the purpose is different. A blogger creates content to attract the readers’ attention by educating or entertaining them. 

Conversely, a copywriter writes a piece to enable a reader’s response. This could include a click, sign up, or purchase. 

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3. A Well-crafted Copywriting Piece Always Sells

Many business owners believe their copies automatically uplift their sales when hiring a professional copywriter. Well, that’s not how it works. No matter how well-crafted a piece is, the quality (and demand) of the product or service matters the most.

In a saturated market, for example, it is hard to sell many products even if your copies have the quality and persuasion needed. 

4. Copywriters Need a Relevant Degree

Contrary to what people think, only a few of the many talented copywriters out there have a writing degree. Even though most of us had literature and English writing classes in high school, copywriting is completely different. 

As with most professions related to digital marketing, a copywriter can be self-taught. Continuous feedback and analytics help copywriters understand what they do correctly and what they should improve. Conversions are, after all, the element that matters the most in copywriting. 

3 Truths About Copywriting that Express the Profession

1. Copywriting Can Be Exhausting 

The truth is that copywriting can be exhausting. Even though most copywriters have a certain methodology, writing a professional piece for a product or service isn’t easy. As with other creative professions, copywriters must beat the so-called Writer’s Block. The same is also true for proofreading and editing a piece. 

Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

2. A Good Copy Can Be Short

Most guides suggest that for a digital written piece to be successful, it must be long. That’s not the case with copywriting pieces. A webpage that has an upper goal of increasing visitor interaction and conversions needs to be appealing and easy to read. This is why it is up to the copywriter to find the balance between SEO guidelines and the piece’s length. 

3. Not All Copywriters are the Same

Of course, not all copies are equally successful. And that’s reasonable since not all copywriters have the same skills, talent, and experience. At the same time, most copywriters are very skilled in a certain niche. Businesses should ensure that the person they hire has sufficient experience in their field of interest. 


If you think copywriting is effortless, this article sheds some light on refuting this take. Like any other profession, copywriting requires practical experience and gets easier with time. Good copy creators are committed to their client’s goals and do research on their behalf to achieve those goals.

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