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The Different Ways a Smartphone Leads to a Car Accident

Many of us still use our cell phones while driving despite common sense and public awareness efforts telling us not to. We frequently pick up our phones to send a text or make a call—even when we’re driving—because we’ve grown so reliant on them.

Cell phone usage while driving often leads to distracted driving accidents. These accidents cause severe injuries and, at times, fatalities.

Suppose you have been injured or affected by a distracted driver engrossed in a cell phone or any other device. In that case, you can find a car accident lawyer and entrust them with the responsibility of upholding your rights and getting you the compensation you deserve.

Statistics on Car Accidents and Phone Usage

According to statistics, a sizable portion of accidents involve distracted drivers, including those who text while operating a vehicle. Data from a Forbes article shows that using a phone or texting while driving contributed to:

  • 12% of fatal distracted driving incidents
  • 20,015 accidents overall, or 8% of injured crashes involving inattentive driving
  • 8% of non-fatal collisions with distracted drivers, or a total of 44,518 incidents

How Smartphone Usage Leads to Car Accidents

The number of accidents caused by drivers using cell phones while operating a vehicle rises due to careless driving. It is mainly caused by the urge to focus on the phone while driving. This is made worse by the fact that using a cell phone while operating a vehicle can cause mental distraction.

Using your phone while driving can cause an accident in the following ways:

  • The driver operates their car with just one hand, which limits his ability to manage it quickly in the event of an emergency.
  • When a driver reaches for their phone, looks up a phone number, or texts, their eyes are diverted from the road. You may take your eyes off the road for a maximum of five seconds. That does not count much. But imagine you are driving at 60 mph. This would mean your eyes would be off the road for as long as a football field. This is a recipe for disaster, something as serious as a T-bone accident.
  • When someone is texting or conversing on their phone, at least some of their focus is on it, making it impossible for them to fully digest what they see or pay close attention to their surroundings.
  • If you ask your brain to alternate between two tasks—in this case, driving and using a cell phone—you will find that your reaction time is slower. You won’t be able to make that split-second decision to apply the brakes or change lanes if you use a phone while driving.
  • If a person’s eyes and mind are focused on their phone instead of the road, they are more likely to weave, veer out of their lane, or hit a railing or sign.

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Contact a Car Accident Lawyer Now

Car accidents happen when you least expect them to. When it happens, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately. After you have completed all the medical checkups, the next important thing to do is to consult an experienced car accident lawyer. This will give you the best chance of protecting your rights and receiving just compensation for your injuries.

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