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The Benefits of Investing in High-Quality Commercial Pool Furniture

Do you run a business like a luxury hotel, local community center, or gym that features a pool available for guest use? If so, you probably know the ins and outs of maintaining your pool, keeping your guests safe, and arranging events around your pool for guest entertainment and fitness. However, you may not know what commercial pool furniture you need to facilitate your guests’ enjoyment and comfort. 

Here is more on choosing pool furniture and the benefits of investing in high-quality items. 

What Type of Commercial Pool Furniture Do You Need?

Not sure what type of pool furniture you need? Here are the basic categories you should invest in:

  • Bar and patio height chairs. These are needed if you have a bar serving your guests in the pool area.
  • Patio tables. These should be large enough to seat anywhere from 2-10 guests and be large enough for them to put food, drinks, or games on the surface.
  • Side tables. These should be smaller and fit next to chairs so guests can put reading material, drinks, or other items nearby for convenient use.
  • Pool chairs. These are normal, weather-proof chairs for your guests to sit on whether they are at the patio tables or just sitting by the water.
  • Chaise lounge. These are reclining chairs closer to the ground than patio chairs. Guests can use these to catch some rays or just enjoy some ‘me time’.

The Benefits of Investing High-Quality Pool Furniture

Business owners always need to keep an eye on the bottom line and you may think it’s prudent to cut some corners and buy cheaper pool furniture for your commercial pool. However, this is a mistake and will almost certainly cost you more money in the long run. Here are some reasons why you should invest in quality commercial pool furniture. 


Your commercial pool furniture is going to get a lot of use—and possibly a lot of abuse! If you buy cheap furniture, you’ll end up replacing it several times over the course of a single pool season. However, if you invest in high-quality furniture, you will usually be able to use it for many seasons to come


As a business owner, the safety of your guests is paramount. Cheap furniture can break, crack, or shatter, possibly causing injuries to your guests. High-quality furniture will hold up and stand the test of time, ensuring your guests remain safe when they are poolside. 


Having cheap pool furniture has an impact on how your guests view your business as a whole. The last thing you want is for your guests or customers to think you are cheap or are not invested in their comfort and safety. High-quality furniture will enhance your brand and elevate you in the eyes of those who use it.


High-quality commercial furniture is just more comfortable than cheaper alternatives. You want your guests to say poolside as long as possible and comfortable, quality furniture will encourage them to do just that. 

Choosing the Right Commercial Pool Furniture for Your Needs 

Convinced that high-quality commercial pool furniture is worth the investment? To find a retailer, do a search online and look for companies with 5-star reviews on Yelp, Google, and Facebook. Browse through their site or go to their showroom in person to find the perfect pieces for your commercial needs. 

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