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Why and How Should You Become a Travel Blogger on TikTok?

TikTok has become one of the largest social media platforms in the world. The contents on TikTok are short and funny as well as original. The platform not only helps you to gain a massive number of followers but also brand sponsorship and eventually money.

If you’re a travel blogger, you must not underestimate the marketing power of TikTok. If you think otherwise, here are some points regarding the impact of TikTok on your travel blogging profession. Continue reading the article to the very end, your perspective about TikTok will be changed.

Why TikTok Is Important for Travel Blogging?

Let us discuss why TikTok shouldn’t be neglected if you’re a travel blogger.

TikTok Runs On Different Algorithm

All social media platforms have their unique way of publishing content. The algorithms that work behind change constantly. However, the TikTok algorithm is much more unique than any other social media platform. TikTok’s “For You” tab is similar to Instagram’s “Discover” tab, but the TikTok tab suggests content based on your previous liking, share, and interaction.

Unlike other social media platforms where content is forced upon users, TikTok offers content that is relevant to the user’s interest.

Going Viral on TikTok Is Easier

After you upload content on TikTok, it has a lot more chance of being viral than any other social media platform can offer. However, the virality depends on the quality of your content. 

TikTok has relatively lower numbers of travel blogging creators, unlike other social media platforms. So, you’ll have a great opportunity to showcase your work. If you want to boost the engagement rate on a particular content, then buy TikTok views.

TikTok is the Best Conversion Tool

Even though TikTok is a new platform to the creators who aim to market, it can act as a funnel for you and your brand. 

However, the number of TikTok users is increasing day by day. Thus, more companies are jumping into the platform to promote their business. If you establish yourself as a successful travel blogger, you’ll be approached by companies sooner than you think.

How to Become a Travel Blogger on TikTok?

Now that you know the advantages of becoming a travel blogger on TikTok, let’s discuss you’re going to achieve the position.

Use Clear and Unique Text

Most of the rookie TikTok creators assume that stylish texts can attract the audience. However, the reality is that audience prefers more clear text than a stylish one. When you start your career as a travel blogger on TikTok, prioritize using clear and readable text that can generate a good impression.

Remember that viewers will first look at your main profile rather than content. So, if you fail to satisfy them, they might turn you down.

Analyze the Best Time for Uploading

According to Iconosquare, once you’re done creating a TikTok profile, the next step is to analyze the perfect time to upload your content. Research the average activity of your audiences and upload at the correct time. For instance, if you notice your audiences are highly active during noon, and then try to upload between 12 PM to 2 PM. This will help you to gain likes quickly.

Don’t Ever Delete Your Post

If you upload content and notice that the engagement rate on the content is very low, don’t delete that post. Instead, focus on your next post to make it more attractive. TikTok is a random social media platform. The post which has a relatively low engagement rate can become viral at any moment. Deleting the post will do nothing but downgrade your profile.

Be Yourself

This may sound cliché, but you gain followers because they are interested in you as well as your content. So, when you use your creative mind and upload content based on your productivity, it will help you to become a successful travel blogger.


Now that you know everything, it’s time to leap into the vast world of TikTok. Create a list of the best food around the world or affordable places for vacation and then upload them. You can also create a day of your daily routine as a unique travel blogger to let your audience know your true self. Whatever you do or whatever you love, capture them in a frame and upload them consistently.

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