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How Are Prescribed Contact Lenses Beneficial In Enhancing Sports Performance?

Sports people buy prescription contact lenses over glasses, enhancing their vision performance in numerous ways. Being a player, you should have obstructed views to win the game. You also can’t afford to clean your glasses repeatedly amidst the game, which eventually makes you lose the game. Besides, glasses may also fall and break during the game.

Henceforth, players consider clear prescription contacts to enjoy a clear and concise vision. In this write-up, we’ll dive into the benefits of contact lenses over eyeglasses for the sports person. 

 Sports Person Is Entitled to Following Benefits By Choosing The Contacts Over Spectacles 

  1. Offer an Exceptional Peripheral Visibility: When you have better visibility all over your surroundings without repeatedly turning your head to both sides is called peripheral vision. Spectacles often limit your visibility as they don’t provide ameliorated peripheral vision. In comparison, contact lenses address this problem to a greater extent and enable you to enjoy peripheral visibility. Subsequently, players get better visibility of their surroundings, leaving no stone unturned in playing the game effectively. 
  2. Eliminate the Risk of Eye Injuries: When you wear contact lenses in the sports world, the chances of eye-mishappenings or injuries increase exponentially. So, it’s time to liberate yourself from the heavy spectacles to alleviate the risk of injuries and switch to contact lenses. Browse Lenskart for clear prescription contacts
  3. No Glasses Fogging Up or Splattering Amidst the Rain: We all have experienced the vast fog and splattering of water on the glasses during the rainy season. Nonetheless, contact lenses are entirely different from glasses as they don’t affect the rainy weather, making them perfect for the sports person. 
  4. Concise Stabilize Vision: While playing the game, you will have to run repeatedly at a reasonable speed. What if the spectacles slide down on your nose over and over again? Won’t it disturb your entire game and distract you? Yes, you may lose an edge over the game, increasing the chances of your competitor’s winning. But by putting on the contacts, you will no longer experience the falling off of the spectacles over the nose. Consequently, it gives you stable visibility and enables you to focus precisely on the game. 
  5. Protection Against the UV Rays: Did you know that excessive UV eye exposure to UV rays may cause inflammation to our eye’s cornea? In simple terms, it’s the eye’s sunburn, likewise, our skin. Redness, the rise of tears, eye strain, and pain are some symptoms of this. However, putting UV-coated contact lenses saves your eyes from UV radiation. Undoubtedly, eyeglasses protect our eyes from UV rays, but they also have various disadvantages. Henceforth, putting lenses is the better choice. 
  6. Compatible with the Safety Equipments: A sports person has to put various safety equipment like protective goggles or headgear. Hence, contact lenses enable you to put the equipment seamlessly and comfortably. 
  7. Unobstructed & Better Field View: In the game field, a sports person needs to be attentive to outbid their competitors. For this, they should be able to experience the unobstructed view of the entire playground to react to the balls coming toward them. But glasses won’t give you such a view, and reacting quickly to the balls at the drop of a hat is only possible with contact lenses. 
  8. Precise & Greater Depth Perception: While putting on the eyeglasses, it becomes knotty for the players to analyze the distance with reasonable accuracy. They can’t accomplish the game unless they have depth perception skills, especially in cricket, tennis, archery, and basketball. However, contact lenses are directly put on the eyes than glasses giving better depth perceptions. Furthermore, if you are apprehensive about its care, you can also buy disposable contact lenses where you don’t need to care and store them. You’ll be enjoying the new pair of fresh lenses every day. Doesn’t that sound great? 
  9. Exceptional & Comfortable Experience: Wearing the contact lenses during the outdoor games is the surefire way to avoid the distractions of slipping down the glasses. Lenses allow you to emphasize pro-actively the game and outbid the competitors. 
  10. Say Good-Bye to Reflections On the Glasses: Players often experience massive reflections on their eyeglasses. This causes a disturbance in the stability of vision. As a result, the coordination of your hand and eyes enhances. 

Prescription lenses are not only good for the people who are into the sports world but also for everyone. Whether going to a party or on an extended vacation, clear prescription contacts are pretty comfortable and affordable. This way, specs won’t spoil your outfit. Furthermore, there are also various kinds of colored contact lenses to enhance your personality. 

If you are experiencing farsightedness and nearsightedness, you should always prefer to buy prescription contact lenses to gain competitive advantages. We have also furnished you with many advantages of choosing the prescribed lenses over the glasses. Based on the abovementioned points, one should start browning the lens as soon as possible to avoid disturbing your sports world. If you are looking for a premier store to buy the prescribed lenses, then Lenskart is the perfect door for you. They are just one call away from you. 

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