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A Short Guide to Supporting Children with Their Education

All children deserve the chance to reach their full potential through education. As a parent or foster carer, you play a pivotal role in supporting children’s learning and development. This short guide provides tips on how you can help children thrive academically, emotionally and socially at school.

Setting Children Up for Success

A positive home environment is fundamental to educational success. Establish a daily routine that incorporates time for schoolwork, play, family time and rest. Provide a dedicated, peaceful space for completing homework. Ensure children get adequate sleep and nutrition to aid concentration and retention. Discuss what children are learning and take an active interest in their education. Attend school events when possible to show your support. Maintaining open communication with teachers allows you to understand and address any challenges as they arise.

Building Confidence and Resilience

Children’s mindset and attitude to learning greatly impact their achievement. Nurture their natural curiosity and growth mindset. Praise effort over results, which encourages perseverance. Celebrate small wins and milestones. Convey your belief in their potential to boost confidence and self-motivation. Help children manage setbacks and anxiety by modelling emotional regulation, perspective-taking and problem-solving skills. Acknowledge and validate their feelings while expressing faith in their ability to cope. This resilience will enable them to embrace challenges.

Building Independence

Balance providing support with promoting independence appropriate to the child’s age and needs. Refrain from over-helping with tasks they can manage alone. Allow children to make choices to develop critical thinking and responsibility. Resist the urge to micromanage schoolwork. Guide them to find solutions themselves first. Let natural consequences impart learning when appropriate. Encourage accountability by having children manage their schedules, pack bags and track assignments. Also, encourage questions and self-advocacy so children learn to articulate their needs and seek assistance from teachers independently.

The Importance of Play and Creativity

Playtime should not be overlooked as frivolous. Unstructured play allows children to use their imagination, develop social skills, process emotions, strengthen cognitive abilities and unwind. Outdoor activities boost physical health and reduce stress. Creative outlets like art, music and drama build confidence and complement academic learning through stimulating different parts of the brain. Ensure children have ample time for play and creative pursuits, which will fuel their development, performance and enjoyment of school.

Accessing Support Services

If a child in your care demonstrates significantly greater difficulty at school than their peers, they may have special educational needs. Discuss your concerns compassionately with the child and the school. Request an assessment for learning support, remembering that needs often fluctuate, especially for children joining a new family with Active Care Solutions. Be patient while awaiting services – progress takes time. Work closely with the school and external professionals to understand the child’s needs and establish an effective support plan. Your advocacy helps ensure they receive suitable aids, accommodations and interventions to reach their potential. With your love and by following these tips, you can empower the children in your care to thrive academically, socially and emotionally. Your involvement and encouragement at home, positive partnership with their school and accessing support services when required helps ensure they gain the most from their education. Every child deserves to feel accepted, valued and able to achieve their dreams through learning. By working together, we can make this vision a reality

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