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Are UV Sanitizing Wands Safe?

Inhaling contaminated air or touching surfaces containing viruses and bacteria leads to multiple health issues. Disinfect your workplace or home with efficient UV sanitizing wands and keep everyone free from germs. These handheld and portable sanitization devices harness UV light to eliminate viruses and bacteria. UV wands protect you from up to 99.99% of germs, making them perfect for emergency sanitization. 

Emergency Sanitization and Safety

Are UV sanitizing wands safe? Yes, the handheld gadgets are super-wide and use superior-strength germicidal radiation with no harmful chemicals or mercury. The device’s design allows optimal surface sanitization and coverage to eliminate bacteria and viruses safely. 

Ways to Safely Use UV Sanitizing Wands

These devices eliminate bacteria and viruses effectively. They’re a modern sanitization solution that can help to make your workplace or home pathogen free. Here are tips to obtain the full benefits of your UV sanitizing wand while maintaining safety:

Use UV Sanitizing Wands Correctly

When using these portable devices, you should:

  • Read safety precautions on the product manual, including additional ventilation and use of personal protective equipment, such as goggles, glasses, and/or gloves
  • Understand how to disinfect with your UV sanitizing wand while maintaining safety standards
  • Check the device’s protection features and how to use them when accidental UV light exposure occurs

Antibacterial Coating

Use your UV sanitizing wand to treat exposed surfaces with an advanced antibacterial coating. This prevents cross-contamination on your hands as you sanitize daily objects like keyboards, keypads, gas pumps, and light switches. 

Portable Protection

UV sanitizing wands are cordless, compact, and childproof, making them safe for use at home or outdoors. Sanitize while stopping for gas, running errands, or visiting the grocery store. 

Time the UV Sanitizing Wand Usage

UV sanitizing wands sterilize the surrounding exposed surface and air. Run the gadget before you use your room or when many people have been around the area to eliminate accumulated bacteria and viruses.

When using the UV light gadget, consider using a timer. Switch it off after using it to reduce exposure. A timer allows you to get maximum sanitizing results without getting unnecessary UV radiation light.

Follow the Appropriate Steps After Exposure

When using the wand, do not point it toward your eyes and avoid direct exposure to your arms or hands. Your goal should be to avoid excessive UV exposure but if it occurs, follow the appropriate recovery steps. While you may not experience severe symptoms, here are tips for dealing with UV light radiation exposure:

  • Consult an ophthalmologist to get your eyes checked and treat possible damage
  • Document the occurrence, including areas exposed, and consult your primary healthcare provider
  • Get skin lesions treatment
  • Apply waterproof sunscreen to the impacted area for recovery

Wear Personal Protective Equipment

Appropriate personal protective equipment prevents UV light radiation exposure and includes:

Eyewear: Use the proper goggles when using your UV sanitizing wand. Special glasses provide the best eye protection from UV lights. Your eyewear should comply with ANSIZ87.1 guidelines.

Face Shield: Wear a UV-absorbing face shield when operating your gadget to minimize exposure. While goggles or glasses help, you should complement them with a face shield for better protection. This guards your entire face, including the chin.

Gloves: Wear latex, nitrile, or tight fabric gloves to cover your hands and prevent UV light from penetrating the skin. The gloves should have low UV transmission to protect against any hazard when using your UV sanitizing wand.

Train Others on the Appropriate UV Sanitizing Wand Use

If you purchase UV sanitizing wands for your workplace, let all your employees understand the safety precautions they should take. The manufacturer’s manual contains the necessary information; everyone in your company should read it and follow the recommendations.

Let everyone in your organization learn about UV exposure symptoms, the protective equipment they need, and excessive UV radiation warning signs. Proper training allows your employees to gain the maximum benefits when using UV sanitizing wands without high exposure risk.

Use UV Sanitizing Wands With Optimal Safety

UV sanitizing wands are the best if you want to sanitize your workplace or home. They kill up to 99.99% of pathogens. If you want to learn more about these devices or look for other emergency sanitization methods, contact UV sanitizing wand experts for help.

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