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Top 15 Mistakes with Selecting Solar Companies and How to Avoid Them

Homes cost an average of over $350,000 as of 2022. Although many people are intimidated by the rising cost, others have found it a great investment opportunity.

Regardless of how much you pay, installing solar panels is one of the best ways to add value to your home.

However, there are several mistakes with selecting solar companies that people make. Here are 15 you need to keep in mind and information on how to avoid them.

1. Not Researching the Company

Do your research before choosing a company.
 Check their reputation, customer reviews, and certifications. Reading online reviews is a great way to understand how well they serve their customers.
 Keep an eye out for how they respond to any negative feedback they receive. If they seem aggressive or defensive in response to criticism, continue your search elsewhere.

2. Choosing Solely on Price

While cost is essential, it should not be your only consideration. Consider the quality of the products and services offered. Remember that you often get what you pay for when comparing solar installation costs.
 It’s never recommended to go with the cheapest possible option. However, this doesn’t mean you have to make the most expensive choice. On the contrary, somewhere in the middle will likely meet your needs without draining your bank account.

3. The Installers Aren’t Licensed or Insured

Ensure that the solar company you choose has the appropriate licenses and insurance to operate in your area. Under no circumstances should you work with a professional that does not have proper licensing and insurance coverage.
 This could unnecessarily put you at risk in the future. For example, you may be liable for medical bills or property damage if there’s an accident on the job.

4. You Didn’t Get a Wide Range of Quotes

Get quotes from several different solar companies to ensure you get a fair price. One of the worst decisions you can make is choosing the first company you encounter. More often than not, this will cause you to miss out on great opportunities you could have taken advantage of.
 It’s best to get a few quotes and weigh the pros and cons of each company before moving forward.

5. You Didn’t Ask the Right Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the products, installation process, and ongoing support.
 A reputable company will have a sales representative happy to provide insight into your concerns. If you don’t feel comfortable communicating with them, choose another provider instead.
 The last thing you want is to sign an agreement without fully understanding the terms.

6. Not Considering The Installer’s Experience

Choose a solar company with years of experience in the industry.
 It’s important to note that inexperienced companies aren’t guaranteed to provide poor results. However, they will be much less likely to help you meet your goals.
 For this reason, it’s often best to go with a firm that has been in the industry for a while. This will also make it easier to look into their past performance.

7. The Installer Doesn’t Offer a Warranty

Make sure you understand the warranty offered by the solar company. Without a warranty, you’ll be responsible for all repairs and maintenance expenses.
 This could easily cost you thousands of dollars. A good warranty should cover any manufacturer defects or design flaws the company is responsible for. It should also include a guarantee of the company’s artistry.
 This helps ensure that the equipment is installed correctly and functioning as intended.

8. They Don’t Offer Financing

It’s best to choose a company that offers financing options. This could come in many forms, such as a loan, lease, etc.
 Solar panel installation can be expensive — especially if you purchase an extensive system. Paying this cost upfront could cause financial strain for many buyers.

9. Neglecting Maintenance and Repair Services

Make sure the solar company you choose offers reliable maintenance and repair services. There may eventually come a day when your system no longer functions as it should.

Without a reliable service provider, you might not be able to get the repairs you need in a timely manner. This could result in lost time and money.

The best companies on the market offer emergency support and regular maintenance to keep your system in good condition. A reputable company can also provide you with crucial information on cleaning for your solar panels.

10. Ignoring Incentives and Rebates

Research the incentives and rebates available in your area and ensure the solar company you choose can help you take advantage of them.
 These often come in the form of tax credits that you can use to offset the cost of your solar panel system. In addition, different companies will offer various incentives, so take the time to compare what’s available.
 This can help you save money and get the most out of your solar installation.

11. You Didn’t Take Time to Understand the Installation Process

Ensure you understand the installation process and how long it will take. In general, it should take no more than a few days. This can vary depending on the size and complexity of the system, so make sure you ask for an estimate in advance.
 If the company refuses to provide one or is unable to give you a solid timeline, this may be a red flag that they are not experienced enough.

12. Not Considering the Aesthetic Impact on Your Home

Consider the visual impact of the solar panels on your property.
 It’s best to avoid companies that plan to use bulky and unattractive panels. Opt for more modern designs, as these are much more aesthetically pleasing and can add greater value to your home.
 The best solar companies will be able to provide you with a variety of options to choose from. Don’t be afraid to shop around until you find the perfect design for your property.

13. Overlooking Local Climate Conditions

The company work with should have comprehensive knowledge of the local climate. Some solar panel models and systems are better suited for specific climates, so make sure the company you work with understands this.
 They should also provide tips on how to get the most out of your system in various weather conditions. Without this knowledge, it could be difficult for you to get your money’s worth.

14. Not Factoring in System Size

You likely won’t be able to power your entire home with a small solar panel system.
 Take the time to calculate the size and output of the system that will best meet your needs. Your solar panel company can help you determine the right size for your property and budget.

15. You Forgot to Trust Your Instincts

Trust your instincts and look elsewhere if something seems off about a solar company. Common examples include quotes that seem too good to be true or companies that pressure you into signing a contract without offering enough information.
 If you don’t feel comfortable with the company, there’s no shame in walking away and looking for another one. This can help you get the best solar installation experience.

The Numerous Benefits of Solar Panels Explained

One of the most notable benefits of solar energy is that it’s an eco-friendly source of power.
 Solar panels don’t produce greenhouse gases or pollutants, so they significantly reduce your carbon footprint and help protect the environment. They also require less maintenance than other forms of energy production and have a meager cost of ownership.
 They can be used to generate electricity in remote areas where other power sources are not available. With all these advantages, it’s no surprise that solar energy is becoming increasingly popular among households and businesses alike.

The financial benefits of solar energy are also worth noting.
 Installing photovoltaic panels reduces reliance on the public grid and can lower electricity bills. In some areas, you may even be able to sell excess electricity back to the utility company at a profit.
 Many states offer tax incentives for installing solar systems that can help offset initial costs and make it easier to break even on your investment. Be sure to consider these factors when moving forward.

Avoid These Mistakes With Selecting Solar Companies

By avoiding these common mistakes with selecting solar companies, you can choose a solar company that will provide high-quality products and ongoing support. Just be sure to keep the above information in mind.

The rest of our blog has plenty of valuable articles to help you improve your lifestyle and save money. Be sure to check them out today!

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