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What Are the Best Commercial Roof Maintenance Tips?

If you own a commercial building, you know how important it is to keep it in good condition. That’s why you should invest in regular commercial roof maintenance.

Doing so lets you catch problems before they snowball into costly issues. It also keeps your building safer for your tenants and employees.

But what should you look for during your roof maintenance? This is something you might not be sure about, especially if it’s your first time.

Continue reading, as we’ve got you covered. Here are some commercial roof maintenance tips you should know!

Regular Inspections

With regular inspections, any signs of damage that need to be addressed can be spotted quickly, helping to prevent these problems from becoming more serious and costlier to repair. Regular inspections should include a comprehensive check of the roof surface, as well as any rooftop:

  • HVAC units
  • vents
  • flashing
  • metal components

Additionally, inspections should also include a review of the insulation to ensure it is still in good condition and not damaged. A proper maintenance plan should consider budgeting for regular inspections to catch any minor repairs before they become more serious and expensive to fix.

Clear Debris

Homeowners should consider hiring a professional to check the roof for any signs of damage or debris buildup. Remove any debris or dirt from the roof and inspect for any signs of damage or buildup.

Clear any leaves or debris from around drains and vents to avoid any water accumulation. Ensure that all loose materials, such as leaves and dirt, are removed from the roof using a broom or a blower. This not only helps with maintenance but also helps to minimize the risk of fire and other potential hazards.

Check for Ponding Water

Standing water often occurs in spots where debris has collected, low-lying areas, or where water has collected from a leak. To properly check for standing water on a commercial roof, it is important to survey the roof’s surface completely.

Additionally, using a map of the roof may help locate areas that may be more prone to ponding water and ensure all areas have been inspected. Having an experienced contractor evaluate any potential areas of concern is highly recommended, as they have the training and expertise to diagnose the situation and offer maintenance solutions properly.

Seal Roof Penetrations

When it comes to maintaining a commercial roof, one of the most important preventive steps is to properly seal all roof penetrations. Without proper roof sealant, rainwater can seep in and cause serious damage to your roof’s internal structure, leading to costly repairs.

Start by inspecting the roof and all penetrations, and identify any existing damage. If necessary, repair any existing cracks or gaps in the roof using a quality sealant. Also, make sure to seal any protrusions, such as:

  • plumbing vents
  • chimneys
  • rooftop equipment
  • antennae

Additionally, check all exposed fasteners to ensure they are properly sealed. Regularly inspect the roof to make sure the sealant is still in good condition. With the proper sealants and regular maintenance, your roof will be safe from harmful water damage for many years to come.

Inspect Flashing and Edges

Flashing is used to seal any gaps between the roof and other components, such as rooftop vents and skylights, and helps to protect the roof from water damage. Regular inspections ensure that any worn or damaged areas are identified and fixed promptly. Edges of the roof should also be inspected to make sure that the slope is sufficient for water runoff.

If any dips, ridges, or points are noticed, they can be fixed to maintain the roof’s structural integrity. If there appears to be any missing, worn, or stained flashing material, then these should be replaced immediately to prevent leaks.

Address Vegetation Growth

It is best to keep an eye out for any plants or trees that are growing too close to the roof. If found, it is important to remove these plants, as overgrown vegetation can not only damage the roof but can cause moisture to accumulate, which can lead to roof leaks and other costly forms of damage.

Additionally, if the roofing material is exposed to organic material, such as twigs or branches, it’s recommended to clean these off as well. The better care and maintenance taken of the roof, the fewer issues with vegetation growth will be encountered.

HVAC Maintenance

Proper maintenance of the HVAC system will ensure that everything is running optimally, leading to fewer issues down the line. This means checking all components of the system, including the roof, for proper insulation, seals, and overall condition. Taking the time to have a professional check the roof for any damage or leaks is another important maintenance tip.

Checking around the chimney, air vents, and other areas for any issues and having them fixed as soon as possible is essential for avoiding roof repairs and major problems in the future. An additional tip is to schedule regular HVAC maintenance to help maintain the roof in its best condition.

Hiring Professional Maintenance

With a professional service, you can be sure that your commercial roof is not only properly inspected for potential damage. The roofing contractors can also properly maintain the roof to keep it looking good and in good condition for years to come.

A professional maintenance service can also assure you that your roof complies with all applicable safety codes. Furthermore, a professional maintenance service can offer advice and tips about how to prolong the life of your commercial roof. They can also help to prevent small damages from becoming bigger and more costly issues in the future.

Follow These Best Commercial Roof Maintenance Tips

Well-maintained roofs are an essential component of any commercial building. Regular maintenance, inspection, and cleanings are essential for preserving the roof’s integrity.

By incorporating these commercial roof maintenance tips, businesses can ensure that their commercial roof systems will last for many years to come. Secure the future of your business by scheduling regular roof maintenance today!

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