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Why Buying Insurance Online Can Be More Affordable

With just a few clicks, online term insurance has made planning for your family’s financial security much easier. Plus, with lower rates than the usual insurance, online term insurance is more affordable. But why does online term insurance cost less? Let’s explore why buying term insurance online costs you much less than your regular insurance.

1.     Lower Overhead Costs

One of the primary reasons behind the low pricing of online term insurance is the lower overhead or operational costs. Online insurance companies run on minimal infrastructure. The companies reduce prices by cutting down on physical locations or middlemen for application processing. The savings from these reduced costs indirectly bear an influence on your policy premium rates, giving you the benefit of lower charges.

2.     Competitive Pricing

The online term insurance market is highly competitive and teeming with options to choose from. The constant competition drives companies to offer the best rates in the market. Therefore, insurance companies often offer lower rates when you buy term insurance online to capture a greater market share.

3.     No Intermediary Commissions

Some amount of your premium goes towards paying the commission to an agent when you buy term insurance from a registered broker. These fees can increase the price of your policy, especially for offline purchases. However, there are no intermediaries or middlemen when you buy an insurance policy from a company directly from their website online.

4.     Time and Convenience Savings

Online insurance platforms save you time and money. When you buy insurance physically, you have to go through several steps. This involves visiting the office for inquiries, filling out a form, gathering and submitting documents, meeting with the agent to finalise policy details, and the inevitable long wait for policy approval. All of these steps usually come at the expense of other things not seen on price tags, like travel or loss of productivity.

However, when you buy term insurance online you can complete the entire procedure except for health checkups online when the time is convenient for you. This not only makes it easier but also saves you the extra expenses you could face with the traditional method of buying insurance policies.

5.     Personalised Discounts

Often, companies tailor their products and pricing based on your profile. They can then offer you unique discounts based on your age, income, and health condition and may be able to adjust rates that are not available through traditional sales. Online platforms and their data-driven nature allow for better speed and accuracy of risk assessment.


Purchasing term insurance online is not just a trend but also a smart financial decision for your family’s future. An online term insurance policy’s lower overhead costs, competitive pricing structure, absence of commissions, and added convenience of anytime access make it appealing to those looking to protect their family’s future without any risks and burdening costs. So, always check online and compare your term insurance options before deciding on the best policy for you and your family.

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