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How to bluff in online poker

Bluffing in poker is the art of creating a deceptive picture of your hand to force opponents to make unfavourable decisions. Online poker undoubtedly provides unique opportunities for bluffing, as players do not see each other live. 

Basic principles and rules

Since the players do not see each other and rely on information from the screen, bluffing in online poker has certain nuances. However, this also creates difficulties, since it is impossible to assess the reactions and physical indicators of opponents. Therefore, it is important to rely on statistics, game patterns and timing to make more informed decisions.

The right choice of the moment

For the bluff to be successful, it is necessary to understand exactly when it is better to use this trick.

The first nuance is a bluff on the flop. At the very beginning of the hand, when there are only three community cards on the table, bluffing can be especially effective. At this stage, the opponents in teen patti prodigy have not yet formed a complete picture of their cards, and the bluff may seem more convincing

The second tactic concerns bluffing on the turn and river. Having reached the turn or river stage, the bluff should be more convincing. This is because opponents have already invested a lot in the bank and the probability of their surrender will seem high to them

How to read opponents

Also, do not forget to monitor the game indicators and the behavior of rivals.

The player needs to pay attention to statistics and patterns. In online poker, opponents’ game statistics are available, such as the percentage of flop collection, aggressiveness, etc. You need to analyze this information to determine whether each player is inclined to bluff or to, for example, a more conservative game.

A gambler should study timing-tells. It is also necessary to pay attention to how long opponents think before making a decision. Quick moves may indicate a strong hand, and a delay, on the contrary, may be an attempt to inspire confidence when the hand is weak.

It becomes easier to read players if you are a regular customer of an online casino. The player will get to the table with opponents whom he has already seen in other game sessions. Therefore, it is possible to analyze the actions of a gambler at a long distance.

There are many high rollers in Indian casinos. These are users who play in an aggressive style. The client of the online club always places a bet on the type of all-in. Obviously, it is not worth taking such rivals seriously. High rollers are just waiting for the newcomer to follow their lead and also take a risk.

In particular, it is worth paying attention to extremely cautious players. Such users are easily fooled. The player starts to panic and is afraid to drain every bet. Therefore, you can just gradually increase the size of the bet and eventually win more on the flop.

Selection of tables and levels

Before you “sit down” at the table, you should objectively assess your strength, and after that choose a game room.

High-stakes tables have their characteristics. On tables with higher stakes, players are more likely to play more cautiously. It means that bluffing can be more effective, as opponents here are often cautious and tend to throw out weak hands.

The level of the game can be different. At low levels of the game, bluffing can be less effective, since most often beginners do not read game situations well enough and tend to make “straightforward” decisions.

Recommendations for proper behaviour

A competent behaviour strategy is a key factor in successful “deception”:

  • Decisive actions. If a player makes big bets and aggressive raises, then his bluff will look more convincing. Opponents may think that the opponent is playing so hard because he has a really strong hand
  • Constancy. If a player has started bluffing on the pre-flop, then this strategy should be continued on the next streets, even if he does not get the necessary cards. This will help to preserve the image of an aggressive player
  • Diversity and predictability. If opponents begin to notice that a player is always bluffing in certain situations, they can adapt to his tactics. Thus, for his rivals, his further decisions will be predictable.
  • Mixing styles. It is worth playing with both strong and weak hands so that opponents cannot tell exactly when a player is bluffing and when he has a really good hand.

Bluffing is just one aspect of poker strategy. It should be balanced and balanced with playing on strong hands. Too frequent and ill-considered behaviour can quickly put you out of the game.

Ultimately, a successful bluff in online poker requires constant improvement and adaptation to game situations. Practice, analysis, training and experience will help you become more confident and able to achieve positive results on virtual poker tables.

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