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Life hacks to help save and increase family finances

According to statistics, about 30% of our spending is unnecessary. We make spontaneous purchases, buy something unnecessary for a promotion, grab something extra (and then throw it away) – and as a result, a considerable amount accumulates. How to avoid unnecessary expenses and increase family capital.

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Life hack 1. Stocks are not always profitable

Most often, buyers are lured by promotions and discounts. But how true are they? We see bright banners, hands themselves reach for the product – this is the calculation. But you need to extinguish the first impulse in yourself.

Life hack 2. Look around

There is a rule of the “golden shelf”: everything that is located in front of the eyes of the buyer appeared there for a reason.

Brands pay extra to be placed in advantageous positions. And vice versa: as a rule, the most budgetary product is the one that is not in front of your eyes. If you want to save money, pay attention to the “uncomfortable” shelves: at the bottom or at the top.

Life hack 3. Stick to the plan

Have you noticed that in most stores the departments with bread and milk are located as far as possible from the entrance? Do you think it’s random? Of course not!

The point is that most people, according to statistics, go to the store for bread and dairy products. And the store wants to sell other goods! Buyers are forced to wind through all the departments in search of the right one. Along the way, they are lured by discounts, promotions, sales and tasting of goods. As a result, people end up at the checkout with a full basket.

And one more feature: sometimes large stores like to change the location of departments. Just get used to one – bam! – one day it will be different. Do you think it’s just that? Of course not! It is a huge job to take all the goods off the shelves and rearrange them to another place. Then why is this being done?

The fact is that regular customers have already worked out their paths. They do not wrap in those rows that they do not need. They go to the right goods in the shortest way. But the store is unprofitable! Every extra minute you spend in a store is worth money because it’s a chance to sell something else. That is why stores change places of goods from time to time so that you wander through the aisles, look at bright price tags and buy everything in a row.

Life hack 4. To the store – only full

Make it a rule not to go to the store on an empty stomach. And even if you order products for delivery, follow the same rule.

Remember the advertising slogan? “You are not yourself when you’re hungry”. Pure truth! When you want to eat, there is always something “extra” in the basket. “Oh, the sausage is delicious, you have to take it! And I’ll take this bun too.” At that moment, the brain looks at the picture (or at the counter) and thinks: “Wow, I would eat this now!”

So we sweep away everything in our path. And we pay for a bunch of things that we don’t really need and will most likely be thrown away.

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