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Paschimottanasana – Get Rid of Anger

Steps to do Paschimottanasana

Spread your two legs on the ground like a stick. Paws and heels of legs should touch each other, taking out the breath and taking as much as possible, hold thumbs of legs from both hands. Try to touch the head with knees and stay in this state.

When the practice becomes stiff, then join the fingers of both hands and trap it properly and do it.


  1. Paschimottanasana should never be done with shock.
  2. Paschimottanasana should be done with empty stomach.
  3. More benefits of this posture can be raised for maximum time.

Paschimottanasana Benefit :-

  1. Makes the spinal cord flexible. Make the waist thin and tidy. The glow comes on the face. The mind remains happy.
  2. its beneficial in curing obesity, more round legs and buttocks.
  3. Keeps Blood circulation Normal.
  4. Helps in getting rid from anger.
  5. This posture is the unity of life.
  6. The practitioner of this yoga pose can live up to 300 years.
  7. Relieves the pain of arthritis, back, waist, thigh and chest.
  8. Paschimottanasana helps in increasing hunger.
  9. With this posture, stomach worms die.
  10. it’s good for nerves.

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