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5 Tell-Tale Signs that Your Roof May Require Urgent Repairs

There are three types of homeowners. The first type a serial fixers who spend a significant amount of time looking for ways and processes to improve their homes and reduce maintenance chores. Then there’s the group who hate home maintenance and avoid it at all costs. 

The third type of homeowner does routine maintenance and typically relies on the roof repairs Melbourne roofers offer. No matter which type of homeowner you are, it’s essential to know the signs that may be pointing to a much-needed repair.

How Long do Roofs Last?

No matter what roof you have and how well you maintain it, the reality is that it won’t last forever. While most roofs can last anywhere from 15 to 50 years, several external factors will determine where in this range you may require a restoration or eventual replacement. It’s not uncommon for roofs to experience more than one restoration in their lifespan. 

The factors that determine how long your roof will last often include the following:

  • Climate of your area (Australia can be harsh on roofs)
  • Quality of the initial and replacement materials 
  • Whether or not the roof was professionally installed and maintained
  • Regularity and quality of maintenance

Since most roofs have lasted for years, you may have had no control over the initial choice of materials. You may also not know how much maintenance was done over the years. In this case, the best option is to have your roof professionally assessed so that you have a better idea of the types of restoration options to budget for. 

Know When To Repair and When to Upgrade

Unless there’s a significantly bad storm, your roof won’t need repairs from one day to the next. Components become worn over time, and there will always be signs that your roof needs attention. Here are a few of the more common ones.  

  1. Clear Signs of Age

The general rule of thumb is that every roof that’s older than 20 years be inspected for potential restoration. Keep in mind that not every older roof will need replacement on its 20th birthday, but it may require some degree of restoration.

Roof restoration is geared at extending the lifespan of your roof before you eventually opt for a total replacement. This process is more cost-effective than replacement and typically includes the following:

  • Cleaning and de-mossing the roof surface
  • Repairing damaged components
  • Sealing cracks and gaps
  • Applying a protective coat of paint
  1. Water Marks on the Inside of the Ceiling

Watermarks on your ceiling are a sign of water damage where the leak was significant enough to pool long enough to seep through and stain. This can stem from a gap in the roof where there’s a missing tile or shingle. Not tending to this will result in more serious damage to the rest of the ceiling. You’ll then be left with repairing both the inside and outside of your roof. 

  1. Mould and Mildew Appearing on the Roof or Walls

When your roof is leaking, you will also start seeing mould spores forming on the top of your walls. These will present as small black or white dots. It’s essential to point out that mould can easily spread to the rest of your home and can be detrimental to your health. 

Leaking roofs will also lead to a musty smell in your home. Since the smell will be more intense closest to the leak, you should have an easier time finding the potential missing or loose tile or shingle.

  1. You May See a Rise in Your Utility Bill

Roofs with broken or missing tiles and components create space in the roof for cold air to seep in. When this happens you may find your home feeling cooler than usual and this may also lead to more use of your heating units. This in turn will see a steady rise in your energy bill. If you suspect that your AC is being used more than usual, you may need to inspect your roof. 

  1. Look for Missing or Loose Tiles

If you have a tile roof, you will easily be able to see where a leak or cold breeze is coming from if you spot a missing or loose tile. Some missing tiles can easily be seen from the ground while others may require closer inspection on the roof. 

Be sure to check for this when you’re doing your seasonal or annual roof maintenance. If you have a roof maintenance plan, don’t wait for that to let your roofer know you have a potential leak. Schedule a repair as soon as possible. 

Final Thoughts 

If your roof is reflecting any of the signs we’ve highlighted, it may be time to schedule an appointment with your local roofer. Having your roof inspected and assessed will enable you to arrange repairs and replacements before a worn or damaged roof causes other damage to your home. Having your roof properly maintained is an investment that will give you peace of mind for years to come! 

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