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What to Know Before You Plan Your Office Scavenger Hunt

Organizing an office scavenger hunt in Canada can be a fun and exciting way to bring together office colleagues. Carefully prepare the event to make sure that it goes off without a hitch and that everyone has a great time. Here are a few key things to consider when planning a scavenger hunt:

Choose the Right Location

When choosing a location for a scavenger hunt, take into account the terrain of the area. Choose an area with plenty of exciting sights, sounds, and smells to keep participants entertained throughout the game. Depending on what part of Canada you are hosting your office scavenger hunt in, consider adding unique elements such as wild animals, local history, or natural beauty.

A scavenger hunt can be held both indoors and outdoors. When deciding on the location, consider how easily accessible it is for participants. Consider whether there will be enough people to help manage the event and any other environmental factors that could affect the game.

Consider Weather 

Planning a scavenger hunt requires taking the weather into account. Canada can have extreme temperatures in some parts of the country, so plan your scavenger hunt accordingly. Consider using indoor and outdoor elements for the scavenger hunt to accommodate everyone’s comfort levels. If you are hosting a scavenger hunt during winter, recommend an extra layer of clothing or hot beverages to keep participants warm.

Know the Laws

Research local laws, zoning regulations, and health and safety requirements that apply to scavenger hunts in your area. Find out if there are any restrictions or rules regarding running your scavenger hunt in public or private spaces. As you plan, remember that some areas can have higher security than others.

Consider Safety Measures 

Be prepared for emergencies or issues during the scavenger hunt by having a first-aid kit. Your office staff should be trained to respond to an emergency.

Consider any potential safety issues that could arise during or after the scavenger hunt. Confirm that everyone knows where they are going and what kind of terrain to expect. Verify that they have all the necessary supplies (water, sunscreen, etc.). Have an emergency plan in place should anything unexpected happen. 

Plan a Reward System

A great scavenger hunt should include an exciting reward system. Participants should have something to look forward to when they reach the finish line or complete all of their tasks. Consider offering prizes like office supplies, gift cards, or a lunch out for the winning team. You could even take them out for some traditional Canadian poutine. Choose prizes that appeal to a wide range of interests so everyone feels included. Whichever reward you opt for, think of it as an incentive to get everyone excited about participating.

Establish Rules

You want participants to be safe and have fun. Make sure everyone knows the expectations and boundaries for this team-building activity. Consider setting rules on how teams can communicate together. Specify limits on acceptable behavior, and make sure everyone understands what items to look for during the hunt.

Set a time limit, decide what items must be found or created during the event, and create a list of prohibited activities or items. Explain how long each team can take per item, whether teams are allowed to work together, and any other rules related to the scavenger hunt. Setting clear expectations will help the hunt run more smoothly from start to finish.

Specify a Route

Look for a route that is close by and easy to map out so everyone can find their way. Think about any potential hazards or areas that might be off-limits — you don’t want anyone’s day to end in a disaster. Once the map is planned and everyone knows where they are going, you’ll be ready for a great time hunting around Canada.

Plan a Successful Office Scavenger Hunt in Canada

There are many options available when it comes to organizing an office scavenger hunt in Canada. You can create your own scavenger hunt or hire a professional team to provide tailored clues and activities for the office space or the great outdoors. Finally, consider how much time you want the scavenger hunt to last, as this will help you plan accordingly.

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