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5 Ways You Can Develop Mental Toughness

There are days when it is inevitable to feel things – negative things. After all, it is part of the human experience. However, the pace of how we bounce back from negative things and experiences may vary from person to person. There are two choices in store for us when it comes to that. The first is to let it eat you up. And the second choice is to bounce back quickly.

If you find yourself in the latter category, it is perfectly fine because, luckily, there are many practical strategies for building mental resilience; it is a quality that can be learned and honed through practice, discipline and hard work.


The first principle to develop mental toughness is to feel that you somehow have a level of control in your life. If there are things in life that you cannot control, then there may also be aspects in your life that you can control.

For instance, failure can be inevitable in life. However, you do have the power to control how you react to that failure. Therefore, it is also necessary to become mentally tough – Yujin Wong has a workshop on this.


In life, some of the most underrated things that we can control are our attitude towards things. We can choose to look at things from a negative perspective or see them as positive. You can see it as something that will challenge you to improve – or as a force that drives you.

On the challenge scale, you need to have a never-say-die attitude to make a high score. In addition, you need to be receptive and adaptable to the changes you encounter in your life daily. Conversely, if you score low on the Challenge scale implies greatly that you might see change as a threat and, as a result, avoid novel or challenging situations out of fear of failure.


On the commitment scale, you must set goals and follow through with them. The first part is to achieve your personal goals. However, after that, the challenge will lie in how consistently you are following them.

Once you master the Commitment aspect, you will become good at establishing routines and habits that cultivate success.

The other aspects, such as Control and Challenge, affect this, for the ability to bounce back from setbacks requires knowing that you are in control of your life and can make a change. In addition, you must have focus and the ability to establish habits and targets that will get you back on track to your chosen path.

Identify Thinking Traps

Lastly, you must be able to identify thinking traps. Thinking traps are negative thought patterns that cloud our judgement and induce anxiety. After identifying our thinking traps, we can be intentional with how we think. One of the most effective ways to debunk our thinking traps is to replace them with positive thoughts.

Wrapping Up

There are several ways you can develop mental toughness. However, the battle truly begins in mind.

Image Source: Unsplash

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