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How Osteoarthritis is Treated

Unfortunately, there is no cure for Osteoarthritis. However, this does not mean that this condition will get worse over time. There are some treatments that can help to relieve any symptoms associated with this condition. 

The Main Treatments

Some of the main treatments for Osteoarthritis include:

  • Medication that can help to relieve pain.
  • A range of supportive therapies that can make day-to-day life easier.
  • Encouragement to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight.

In some cases where treatment has had no positive effect, surgery may be considered. The surgery can help to repair or strengthen the damaged joints. Surgery may also replace any damaged joints if your doctor thinks it could help. 

Supportive Treatments 

In addition to painkillers and regular exercise, supportive treatments are frequently used. These treatments can often help the sufferer deal with the pain and discomfort associated with this condition. 

Some supportive treatments include:

  • TENS – Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation works to ease the pain. A physical therapist can show you where to place the pads. They can also show you just how strong the pulses need to be so you have efficacy. 
  • PRP Therapy – this treatment can help to promote healing. This is a relatively new therapy, but there are many indications that it works well. 
  • Opioids – A doctor may prescribe opioids if some weaker painkillers do not work. However, they can have some unpleasant side effects. Other painkillers may be prescribed if you don’t want to take opioids. 
  • Cold or hot packs – Applying packs such as these can help to relieve pain and some symptoms. Cold and hot packs are easy to use and can make a big difference to pain levels. 
  • Physical therapy – Some people may be referred to a physical therapist. The therapist can massage the body and help to keep the affected joints more flexible and supple. 

Complementary Therapies 

Some people choose to use complementary therapies to help them relieve their symptoms. While there isn’t much medical evidence to suggest that they work, they can make a difference.

  • Acupuncture – Thought to help relieve the pain associated with Osteoarthritis, this is a therapy that is widely used. 
  • Aromatherapy – Aromatherapy can help people to relax, and therefore, help them with their pain. Again, there is no medical evidence to suggest that it works, but this doesn’t stop many people from relying on it. 
  • Nutritional supplements – Supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin may help. These supplements used to be prescribed by some doctors. However, there is very little medical evidence to support their use.

Osteoarthritis is an uncomfortable condition that can affect the sufferer’s day-to-day life. The good news is that there are some treatments available. If you think you have Osteoarthritis, please speak to your doctor. They can carry out tests and help you to get the treatment you need. If you do not have Osteoarthritis, your doctor may make another diagnosis and, again, help you to get the treatment you need.

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