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3 Tips for Creating a Budget-Friendly Home Exterior Remodel

If you feel like your home is lacking curb appeal, hiring a home exterior remodeler could be the answer to your problems. You’ll want to hire the right company for the job, but you’ll also want to find budget-friendly ways to make your home look gorgeous.

So what can you do to give your home a beautiful exterior without blowing all of your hard-earned money?

The tips below can help you create a budget-friendly exterior remodel. Start with these suggestions and then find something more specific to your house and your budget.

1. Power Wash Your Driveway

Power washing a driveway is one of the best and most budget-friendly ways to give your home exterior an instant facelift. Power washing can remove:

  • dirt
  • debris
  • old paint

It’s an easy DIY task that doesn’t require a lot of supplies. Just make sure you read the instructions for the power washer before you begin and use a safe, biodegradable detergent.

It’s best to start out at a lower-pressure setting and work your way up. Be sure to start from the furthest point on the driveway and move backward towards the house so you can spot any areas that need extra attention.

It’s also important to avoid power washing close to the house, as the increased pressure can damage siding, roofing, and windows. When finished, make sure to rinse thoroughly so the cleaning solution doesn’t linger and strip sealers.

With a bit of elbow grease and a power washer, you can give your home exterior an impressive, budget-friendly curb appeal.

2. Fix Rotting Wood

When planning a home remodel, it’s important to consider the cost of all the materials needed. Fixing rotting wood is one of the most important aspects of the project and one that should never be ignored. Here are some tips for budget-friendly fixes. Identify parameters such as:

  • how much wood needs to be replaced
  • the size of the replacement wood
  • which kind of wood is needed

Also, consider the cost of purchasing all the tools needed to complete the job. Check to ensure the wood is completely dry, then inspect for damage and any sounds of buzzing or rustling insects.

Address any pests or pest damage. Inspect gutters and downspouts to make sure they are properly draining away from the wood. Repair the wood with appropriate products such as a natural, water-based sealant or an oil-based paint.

3. Hire a Residential Painter

If you’re looking to create a budget-friendly home exterior remodel, it’s important to consider hiring a residential painter. Not only can a residential painter help you create an aesthetically pleasing and customized look, but they can also help you stay on a budget.

A residential painter from can offer advice on the types of paints that will best fit the cost and style you’re trying to achieve. Additionally, they may be able to suggest areas where you can save money.

Effective and Budget-Friendly Ways for an Exterior Remodel

Remodeling your home exterior may sound like an expensive process, but a few budget-friendly tips can help keep your costs down. It’s essential to plan and prioritize what changes are most important for your home renovation.

With careful budgeting and research, you can achieve the beautiful look you want without breaking the bank. Why not start your exterior remodel today to create a stunning façade?

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