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Most Popular Generic Viagra UK Brand Names

Developed by Ajanta Pharma Limited, Kamagra is arguably the most well-known generic version of Viagra in the UK. Still, several others are equally as effective and acquirable. However, knowing the most famous generic versions only benefits those who know a generic treatment and understand why their existence is so relevant.

Generic treatments are a group of medications created by using the recipe of another brand name, original medicine. One such example is Viagra. Because the blue pill by Pfizer is a highly effective, trusted and famous treatment, it is a prime example of the kind of medicine that will become generic after their patent expires. The patent on the formula Pfizer developed for Viagra expired in 2013. Since then, several companies have recreated their blue pill but now sell it as a generic medicine under a different name and price tag.

The difference in price, availability and convenience of generic treatments has made them a genuine rival to Viagra. The rivalry caused Pfizer sales to drop to less than a fourth of what it was in 2012, the year before the patent on Viagra expired, which was also their best business year since release.

What is Generic Viagra Used for?

As we have already established, a generic medicine uses the same recipe. It is logical to assume that a generic version of Viagra would be used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). But what is ED? 

There are several misperceptions regarding ED, but that is why we will give you a general understanding of what the condition is and why it is not something that warrants concern anymore. ED is indeed a sexual dysfunction defined as the inability to gain a firm erection or maintain an erection for long enough to have sex. However, sometimes called impotence, ED is not as scary as it might seem.

The dysfunction can be caused by many physical, mental and medical reasons, of which the most common causes are obesity, drinking too much alcohol and stress. Other common conditions include issues in the relationship, sleep disorders, and low testosterone.

As most of the causes are temporary, the ED that accompanies it is also. Additionally, almost all cases of ED can be overcome with some lifestyle changes, like exercise, a mindful diet, and establishing a healthy flow of communication with your loved one. However, even severe cases of ED can always be overcome, considering how potent and affordable ED medication has become.

Side Effects of Generic Viagra

The side effects from Viagra, and generic versions thereof, come from the active ingredient, sildenafil. Sildenafil is one of the four primary phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. They all treat ED by improving the blood flow throughout the body, which improves sexual function as blood rushes to the genitals when the user gets aroused.

The side effects generally resemble the common cold symptoms, with a stuffy nose, headaches, and flushing. However, the side effects are very mild, short-lived, and infrequent. They are experienced by less than 2 percent of users, and they often do not realise anything out of the ordinary. In addition, they usually disappear after the user adjusts to the medicine. There are times when the side effects persist, but that does not warrant any concern, as they will subside after the treatment is expelled from the bloodstream. 

If the user is not eligible for the treatment, Viagra UK and its generic versions have a chance of resulting in severe side effects. If you experience severe reactions, stop taking the treatment, seek immediate medical attention, and do not treat the side effects with any other medicine unless advised otherwise by a medical professional.

Go to the patient information leaflet on our website if you would like to see a more in-depth list of side effects, interactions and causes.

Why Generic Viagra is so Popular

Most Viagra users have switched to using generic treatments, like Kamagra, because of all the fantastic benefits that come with it. Because generic medicines are competitive down to an existential level, they are sold at highly competitive prices that outright make the brand name originals look ludicrously overpriced. 

Additionally, you can get generic medicine from online pharmacies that also carry several fantastic advantages, like not needing a prescription. Because the high street pharmacies conduct their business purely through the online platform, they are highly competitive. Online pharmacies have several advantages over the classic pharmacies, like the lack of rent on prime business property, which allows them to drop their price even further and provide several deals and discounts.

However, one of the most significant advantages of using an online pharmacy is how accessible they are. They cast a much wider net than any classic pharmacy could, and for them to conduct their business countrywide, they would need to be partnered with reliable courier companies. As such, they can have your generic ED treatment delivered to your front door in unlabelled packaging, ensuring privacy is respected.

Buy Generic Viagra Brands Online in the UK

If you are interested in buying a generic version of Viagra and live in the UK, you are in luck because we provide exactly that and much more. Aside from the classic tablet, we also stock more innovative treatments like Kamagra Oral Jelly, Kamagra soft chewable, and Kamagra effervescent. To buy any of these products, just follow a few easy steps.

Click on whichever product interests you from our homepage to go to its product page. There you can select the amount you want and take advantage of our discount system that lowers the price per pill the more you buy. 

Add the item to your cart and continue shopping, or if you are ready, head to the checkout page to pay. We accept Visa, MasterCard, bank transfers and cryptocurrencies. As you complete your transaction, we will send you an email containing the confirmation of payment, the estimated delivery date and the discreet name we will appear as on your bank statement. 

Your delivery will take two to four days if you live within the UK and up to seven days if you are anywhere else in Europe. If there are problems with the delivery, the information on the email or your item, contact our 24/7 customer support centre. Our support centre is well trained and fully equipped to help you with any enquiries. 

Buy your generic medicine today, and reinvigorate your sex life while protecting your financial well-being.

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