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Porcelain Veneers: Your Gateway to A Dream Smile

A simple smile holds the key to transforming your appearance from something normal to one that screams beauty and confidence. It’s important to keep this smile by taking good care of your oral health. Unfortunately, with a few broken teeth here and a few chipped teeth there, it’s not so easy for some folks to keep their oral health in check.

But that doesn’t stop them from trying, and with the advent of veneers, it’s a sign of more hope to win the good fight. So, how do veneers help maintain your healthy smile at all times?

Brief Reminder of What Veneers Help Patients With

You can’t be blamed if you don’t recollect the exact functioning of veneers. These dental tools resemble the enamel and are installed on top of the layer of the patient’s enamel. The purpose is to restore the bright white smile that was lost in a natural-looking manner.

In other words, veneers resemble the exact teeth they’re made for and ensure you spot a natural look without the indication of a dental procedure. When you visit One Dental, you’ll notice there are two types of veneers and they include porcelain and composite resins. Today’s segment focuses on porcelain veneers and why they’re highly recommended.

Porcelain Veneers: Are They the Truth?

As for the description of this group of veneers, the name already gives it away. Porcelain veneers are usually custom-made from porcelain to fit and adjust to your teeth. Moreover, these veneers do take a bit longer to complete than composite resins, and you may need temporary veneers during the process.

Porcelain veneers are widely sought-after due to their close appearance and strength to the real deal. The veneers are sometimes stronger than damaged enamel and come in the same colour. Those veneers also boast the best lifespan of any type.

Perks Of Porcelain Veneers:

There are a few more reasons why porcelain veneers are widely appreciated:

  • They help cover up uneven spacing or gaps between teeth
  • Porcelain veneers are tooth-coloured, meaning they blend in with the rest of your dentition
  • When maintained properly, the veneers last up to 15 years and more 
  • Those veneers are useful for covering up flaws and replacing them with a dream celebrity smile.
  • Unlike your previous enamel, porcelain veneers are incredibly stain-resistant. That alone makes them a good mask for your teeth.
  • The materials are strong and built to last. Hence, you don’t need to worry about any form of damage to the veneers.

Are There Drawbacks in The Use of Porcelain Veneers?

The only major setback that comes with using porcelain veneers is their price tag. When you consider the durability and the other features being offered, it’s no surprise that the prices are relatively higher than the other available options.

Wrapping Up

Veneers have become top additions to the dental world. They’ve changed the way teeth are aligned and helped express how good laughter enriches the soul through a flawless smile. So, be sure to add veneers to your checklist of important implants, so you don’t fall behind.

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