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How to maintain healthy hearing for many years?

The world around us is full of sounds. They accompany us everywhere, wherever we are: at work, at home, on the street, indoors, etc. Some sounds frighten and repel, while others, on the contrary, bring joy, peace, and positive emotions.

The singing of birds, the sound of rain, favorite music, the voices of loved ones – all this we hear thanks to the work of our hearing organs. It is a complex system. It has been working 24/7 since the first days of our lives. Unfortunately, modern life can disrupt its work. Indeed, today many factors negatively affect human health, including hearing organs. Constant stress, noise exposure from roads and vehicles, and bad habits lead to a gradual hearing loss. Therefore, more and more people suffer from one or another hearing problem. According to the WHO, more than 450 million people worldwide suffer from hearing loss, tinnitus, and other auditory disorders, and the number is constantly growing.

The question arises, is it possible to prevent hearing loss? Can lost abilities be restored? The answer to these questions is yes, as long as you follow the hearing protection and prevention measures below.

Why is it important?

Today, a huge number of people suffer from hearing problems. If a few decades ago the main cause of problems was age-related changes, then in recent years the trend has changed. Increasingly, middle-aged people and even teenagers began to complain of a drop in hearing acuity. Is there any clear explanation? Yes, the reason for such changes is the wrong lifestyle and constant noise exposure. It’s hard to find a teenager or adult today who doesn’t use in-ear headphones. Long and loud listening to music (above 75 dBc) is the road to hearing loss. In addition, there are professions, such as a professional musician or a builder, which can lead to hearing problems due to their specifics.

It does not matter what the cause of hearing loss is, whether it is congenital or acquired. A person’s life is changing dramatically anyway. We take healthy hearing for granted and do not notice the work of organ hearing until they start to fail. Meanwhile, the quality of life depends on their proper functioning.

Hearing loss is a big problem for every person and especially for a child. After all, hearing allows us to develop and learn in the first years of life. Doctors have long noticed that children with even mild hearing loss lag behind their healthy peers in development. What to say about newborns who have problems from birth. That is why today there are special schools, classes, and courses that are designed specifically for children with these problems.

However, hearing loss negatively affects adults as well. A person gradually loses the connection between himself and the outside world. Moreover, our brain works in such a way that it always adapts to new conditions. What does it mean? The brain uses additional areas due to hearing loss and rebuilds its work. It leads to a gradual decrease in human cognitive capabilities.

In addition, with the development of the disorder, a person gradually loses orientation in space. He may experience frequent dizziness, which leads to falls. And falls are dangerous for the elderly, who almost all have some degree of hearing loss.

If it is impossible to communicate normally with others, a person gradually closes in on himself. This leads to isolation from society and the development of depression.

What is it all about? It is important to understand that hearing loss is not only turning up the volume of the TV and asking the other person to repeat the phrase. The development of the problem leads to new physiological and psychological disorders. If you do not start treatment on time, then the problems will worsen every year!

Six rules for healthy hearing

At the first sign of hearing loss, you should seek help. Ear doctor Staten Island will conduct the necessary research. Having the necessary results, he’ll make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The most common is the use of hearing aids. These are medical electronic products. They restore the ability to hear.

Today, there are all the tools and necessary means to restore hearing and happy life. However, it is better to protect your hearing and avoid hearing loss. Use the following preventive advice.

Treat any infections promptly

Even mild nasal congestion can cause serious throat problems. The most common example of a cold complication is otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear). It often occurs against the background of SARS. Treatment of otitis media takes a long time. If you take the disease lightly, then your hearing may decrease.

Protect your ears from water

If you visit the pool, live on the seashore, and love to swim, you need to cover your ears before you go into the water. The best option would be to use earplugs.

Avoid prolonged noise exposure

Noise levels over 75 decibels are dangerous. If you work in factories or other noisy places, be sure to use protective equipment, such as earmuffs or earplugs.

Don’t overuse your headphones

Modern headphone models give out a volume of about 160 dB. We are talking about twice the threshold beyond which it is recommended to use special protective equipment. Sound from headphones (especially in-ear headphones) enters directly into the ear, affecting the unprotected eardrum. As a result, the hearing threshold is lowered and hearing problems may develop over time. Therefore, do not use the headphones at full power. In addition, limit the time of their use to 2-3 hours a day, no more.

Clean your ears properly

Ask your audiologist how to properly clean your ears. Never use cotton buds!

Check your hearing

Doctors recommend having your hearing checked at least once a year, even if you don’t feel any problems. Diagnosis won’t take long. But it’ll show the presence of a problem in the early stages of development, which will help to quickly prescribe treatment to restore hearing.

By following these simple rules, you’ll take care of the health of your hearing. Listen to the wonderful world of sounds and enjoy communication!

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