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7 Common Mistakes with Body Piercings and How to Avoid Them

Are you ready to get a body piercing?

Though many people today view it as a form of rebellion, piercings carry a long history of meaning. In 2020, archeologists unearthed the oldest evidence of a facial piercing on a man who died in East Africa around 12,000 years ago!

Throughout history, people used piercings to ward away evil spirits, show status, and display artistic expression. Regardless of your reasoning, make good decisions moving forward with it.

Remember that the jewelry will alter your body and requires intelligent practices. Read on to learn how to avoid seven common mistakes with body piercings.

1. Not Knowing Your Piercer

Never walk into a random shop and allow somebody to pierce you without knowledge of them. We see piercings on a daily basis, which makes them feel harmless.

Most of the time, they are. But you are trusting somebody to break through your skin with metal to alter your body permanently. A small hole can make a big impact.

First and foremost, look around their workstation. Does it appear clean? Proper sanitation avoids infections and blood-borne illnesses.

Make sure they appear sober and coherent. This person must know exactly where to pierce so that they do not cause permanent nerve damage.

Learn important details about the piercer when you enter the body piercing shop. Ask to see licensing and how long they’ve practiced.

Talk with pierced friends and family for recommendations as well. Word of mouth will help answer questions you wouldn’t think to ask!

2. Arriving Under the Influence

A first piercing can seem scary. You may fear the pain or simply dislike needles.

For this reason, some people decide to show up under the influence of alcohol or another mind-altering substance. Do not make this mistake.

A responsible piercer will not proceed with the piecing if they notice. This wastes your time and theirs.

Alcohol thins the blood. This will increase blood loss, bruising, and the chance of developing an infection.

Any substance can make you uncooperative by altering your mental state. Accidentally moving mid-piercing could hurt you and lead to unwanted results.

Instead, try a breathing meditation. When you get in the chair, fully inhale and then forcefully exhale three times. Then close your eyes and focus on your breath.

Inhale for six seconds, pause for three seconds, and then exhale for six seconds. Repeat this until finished to diminish your experience of fear and pain.

3. Showing Up Unprepared

Piercers typically keep a full schedule. Walk into your appointment fully prepared.

Bring proper ID. They cannot legally pierce a minor without parental consent.

Show up showered and generally clean. The piercer needs to touch your skin and you don’t want to increase your risk for infection.

Wear clothing that works for this piercing. Comfortable clothes help ease discomfort and make accessing the area easier.

Think before dressing. For instance, do not wear a onesie for your navel piercing.

Don’t wear makeup for facial piercings. Keep the area clean and free of cosmetics.

4. Improper Piercing Cleaning

Preventing piercing infections begins when you walk into the shop and continues as long as you wear your jewelry, whether you get ear gauges or any other type of piercing. This makes proper care important, especially in the first few weeks after getting pierced.

A lot of people ignore the care instructions in all of their excitement. This can cause a serious infection.

Wash the area with saline solution or gentle soap and water twice a day. This prevents the introduction of new bacteria into the wound.

Dry the area completely after cleaning. Damp areas encourage microbe growth.

Eventually, you won’t need to constantly clean it. But until your skin completely heals, follow these instructions.

5. Using Harsh Chemicals

Keeping the hole clean does not require the use of harsh chemicals. In fact, they can damage your skin.

Many people grab for rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Though both of these products serve a purpose in preventing bacterial infections, neither work well for piercings.

Rubbing alcohol destroys fats and denatures proteins to kill bacteria. Unfortunately, it does the same to human skin cells on an open cut.

Once your piercing heals completely, you can use it to clean off your jewelry as you put it in and take it out. But until then, avoid it.

Hydrogen peroxide reacts to catalase, creating an oxidizing effect. Though it kills germs, it will also burn healthy skin cells.

These, and other harsh chemicals make the piercing take longer to heal and can cause uncomfortable skin reactions. Stick to scent-free soaps and saline solutions for cleaning your new piercings.

6. Jewelry Mishaps

All types of body piercings require a period of time before you change out the jewelry. Some people get excited about wearing a new piece and ignore these instructions.

This can increase inflammation and introduce germs. Removing the jewelry too early for a break from your discomfort can also lead to the hole closing up. Follow your piercer’s instructions to avoid this from happening.

Other common jewelry mishaps occur when people put in the wrong jewelry. New piercings require non-reactive materials, such as surgical steel, platinum, or 18-karat gold.

Later, you can use other materials. But, pay attention to how your skin reacts to avoid discomfort.

Get your jewelry from reputable distributors to prevent issues. And make sure that you use items that fit your piercing. You do not want anything that pulls too heavily or pushes too deeply into your skin.

7. Ignoring Their Lifestyle

Some people regret piercings when they ignore the lifestyle they want to live. Before going through with a piercing, ask how you want your life to look.

If your job does not accept your piercing, it can stir up change. Are you willing to hide your work or quit your job?

This can upset people who are not yet ready for change. Piercings can help you express your true self more clearly and authentically.

But some of the more extreme alterations can also lead to disapproval and loss. Make sure you are ready to face this in your daily life and embrace what comes along with it.

Embrace Your Piercing

Move forward with your favorite body piercings, fully ready to express yourself. Do this with confidence, but also stay smart. Piercings require thought and maintenance so that you can embrace your change in a healthy way.

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