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Essential Home Maintenance Tips for New Homeowners

Nobody wants to pay rent forever unless they don’t care for a permanent nest. Most people would love to own a home, and when you finally do, it can be a dream come true.

However, homeownership is not an easy journey. You have to take up a lot that you wouldn’t think about as a renter. A lot to learn as you settle into your new life.

Home maintenance is an important task that falls on your shoulders as a homeowner. Your new home needs regular checks and repairs to be in the best condition.

As a new homeowner, you probably don’t know much about maintenance. Here are tips to help you along.

1. Secure Your Home’s Value

Whatever you do as part of maintenance is meant to keep your home in good condition and also secure its value. As such, the first and probably the most important action is insuring the home.

Buying home coverage, such as a homeowner’s insurance plan, is the best way to secure the value of your home. None of the maintenance work you carry out matters if something happens that destroys your home or the valuables inside.

You may be a newbie, but getting your home insured doesn’t have to be a hustle. For a new homeowner looking for a good deal and the right plan, an insurance marketplace would help a lot. has more on the subject.

2. Clean Up Thoroughly

Cleaning up is a huge part of the maintenance work you need to do. If you leave things to gather dust, soon you’ll have to deal with other forms of filth that destroy the condition of your home.

While cleaning up around you is a given if you want to keep your space tidy and livable, we recommend deep cleaning now and then as part of your maintenance checklist.

When you don’t clean the house thoroughly, you remain clueless about what’s happening in the hidden spots around the house where mold could thrive, or insects could make a home.

Deep cleaning includes some out-of-the-way aspects that are vital such as:

The Air Filter

Air filters trap dust and debris as your HVAC system purifies the air around the house. If your HVAC system uses washable air filters, removing and cleaning the filters is necessary to keep that valuable component of your home in good working order.

Faucet Aerators

Aerators are tiny devices with screens inserted at the head of your faucets. They have many uses, including regulating the water you use in your home, saving you big time on water bills.

Faucet aerators also catch debris transported through the water pipes, some of which can be harmful, like lead particles. Over time, particles build up, clogging faucets and reducing water flow, necessitating removing and cleaning or replacing the aerators.


Showerheads often get clogged with mineral deposits restricting water pressure. A showerhead is also an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive, which makes it necessary to remove and clean it regularly.

3.Check Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors are crucial components of home safety, requiring regular maintenance to remain up-to-date.

You want to test the smoke alarm as often as possible, at least once every two weeks, to ensure they are still working.

Dust off the alarms after every month or two to keep them free of particles that can set them off unnecessarily or prevent them from going off when needed.

4. Tub and Sink Debris

Tubs and sinks require maintenance to prevent blockage, which occurs due to debris build-up.

In case of a blockage, you can resolve the situation with baking soda and white vinegar. As the reaction occurs, pour hot water down the sink to flush out the pipes.

5. Inspect the Roofing

For a new homeowner, the roof may not easily come to mind as something that deserves regular maintenance. However, it’s a costly part of a home to fix once it develops problems.

Inspect the gutters during the seasons to ensure they aren’t affected by debris, such as leaves during fall and ice dams in winter. Check for leaks and damages to shingles.

6. Check the Fireplace

The fireplace also requires routine checkups for damages if you use it frequently. For occasional use, inspect the fireplace when the need arises.

Final Thoughts

Being a homeowner is great, but it also tasks you with understanding the maintenance work your property needs and carrying them out to ensure your home remains in good condition.

It’s okay if you don’t know much about home maintenance. You will pick up a lot along the way. Hopefully, our tips can help you get started.

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