Do you want content that will continue to bring in web traffic for years? Content that will boost your rankings in search engine results pages (SERPS)? While news, updates, and trend pieces have their place, most of the content on your website should be evergreen content.
Evergreen content is content that stays fresh and useful year after year. It’s not tied to any specific moment in time, like content about fashion trends or current events are. It remains useful, without seeming dated, for years on end. And it can really boost your site’s SEO by helping to generate backlinks and social media shares, and giving you the chance to target lots more keywords.
Consider Some Topics You’d Like to Cover
Step one to creating great evergreen content is to write down some content ideas for your website. Think about topics that are relevant to your business. What kinds of information do your customers want? There are several different formats you can use to write an evergreen piece, like how-tos, listicles, and buying guides. If you sell sports equipment, for example, then buying guides for different kinds of sports equipment could make great evergreen content for your website. Other options might include reviews, interviews with prominent athletes, or reviews of different kinds of sports equipment.
Find the Best Keywords
SEO keywords represent the words and phrases people use when they search for something online. When the keywords in your content match the keywords entered into a search engine, your content should rank high, theoretically. In reality, it depends on the search volume of each specific keyword. It might be easier to rank high for a keyword that’s more specific or zeros in on unique features of your business, like services or amenities your competitors don’t provide. Perform some keyword research to generate a few keywords relevant to your topic.
Organize Your Content
Well-organized content is easy for search engines to crawl and index and it’s easier for readers to understand. Use titles and subheadings, and incorporate your keywords into those headings as well as into the meta tags for those elements. Break text into manageable, short chunks. Use bullet-point lists or numbered lists when needed, or callouts to highlight key thoughts.
Write Content That Makes Sense With Your Keywords

The content you write should relate in some way to the keyword you’re using, so your content doesn’t feel spammy. If your topic is “how to leash train a dog,” you want keywords and content about leash training a dog. If your topic is about using white label SEO sellers, make sure the content and keywords are also about using SEO resellers. You shouldn’t try to use a popular keyword to manipulate the algorithm into driving traffic to an unrelated piece of content. That will come across as spammy and could get you a manual action by Google.
Spruce Up Your Old Evergreen Content From Time to Time
Even though evergreen content is written to stay fresh for years, you still might need to give it a once-over now and then. You should be checking your evergreen content regularly for issues that a refresh might resolve. For example, you’ll want to update any information that has become outdated, such as information on how to use a particular feature of a specific social media platform. New information may have come out since the content was first created, so you should add that where appropriate. You might even want to add a whole new section or some new quotes.
You should also check the links in your content to make sure none of them are broken. Add links to other relevant content pieces and keep them in working order. You can also add new media, like new videos or new podcast episodes, or interactive elements, like quizzes or polls.
Another thing you’ll want to check for regularly is mistakes. It often happens that after you’ve carefully written and edited a piece and painstakingly proofread it, you hit publish and only then notice an egregious error. Remove any errors that you notice and give the content another review for spelling mistakes, typos, grammatical errors, and awkward turns of phrase. Reading your content aloud can help you notice mistakes, repetition, and patterns in your writing that might detract from its quality.
Evergreen content can make a huge difference for your website SEO. As you build a bigger catalog of evergreen content, you’ll bring in more traffic, gain more authority, and enjoy more success.
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