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What is NFT and how it works?

NFTs have opened the doors to people who dreamt of owning a piece of digital artwork over the web, which would be a unique token offering proof of ownership. When talk comes to digital collectibles, we must say that NFTs have stormed the arena of asset trading and digital artists have found a new way of showcasing their talents.

In this article, we will know what is NFT and discuss how it works in the real world.

What is NFT?

NFTs are Non-Fungible Tokens, comprising a special type of tokens that are created using a type of programming called cryptography which is found in cryptocurrencies. An NFT at one time can be owned by only a single entity and is not substitutable. NFTs are a special kind of digital asset that can represent almost any kind of real-world item but are not interchangeable with other items.

Just like a real-world asset, NFTs can be traded with others but they don’t accrue any sort of maintenance costs as they don’t have tangible forms of their own. NFT use cases

How do NFTs work?

NFTs are based upon blockchain technology and a large chunk of them belong to the Ethereum network, which is a distributed public ledger recording transactions. Minting is the process through which NFTs are created and since then all information regarding NFTs are recorded on the blockchain network. The minting process is very much similar to the block creation in the blockchain network, after that the information of NFT gets validated and the block gets closed. There are certain processes that get involved during the minting process like incorporating smart contracts for assigning ownership and managing certain rights regarding transferability.

As soon as an NFT gets minted it gets an owner and certain information regarding the unique identifier gets linked with it over the blockchain address so that complete ownership details can be ascertained.

The unique feature of non-fungibility

The term non-fungibility means that NFTs can’t be exchanged or traded with anything and this gives NFTs an upper hand in distinguishing themselves from those items which are fungible in nature like cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies. So, this translates to that each and every NFT is a kind of unique and irreplaceable token, and at any point in time, one token can’t substitute. Now, due to such nature of NFTs, they have been liked by many for purpose of digital identity which is strictly non-transferable, but extensible where a new NFT can be created by combinlike digital artwork, gaming, collectibles, finance and investment, and many more growing with every passing day.


The increasing popularity of NFTs and their potential functionality in the finance industry have already made of DeFi a trending topic, which is a step forward in revamp of existing infrastructure. The concept of NFTs is nothing but the evolution of cryptocurrencies and the modern banking and finance sector is looking forward to embracing it, says a senior NFT developer at ing two different NFTs.

There are a number of Rejolut. The concept of digital assets is not a new thing, but the amalgamation techof it with a tamperproof blockchain platform and smart contract functionality for automation can work wonder across a large number of sectors.

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