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5 Tips for Choosing Your Challenge Coin Design Template

The custom challenge coin has brought groups of people together over a shared experience or accomplishment for over a century. The U.S. Army Air Service is the first organization to issue challenge coins to members, and the tradition has continued growing. The goal is to design a coin that displays the achievements and pride of the group.

Designing a challenge coin for the first time is daunting, but the proper advice and tips will help you create a coin you’re proud of. A challenge coin design template will help you focus on the colors and plating for a stunning commemorative coin.

Luckily, you’ve discovered the perfect guide to learn about five tips for choosing your challenge coin’s template. Continue reading to create your first challenge coin today!

1. Know Your Audience

Pick a template that resonates with your audience when creating a custom challenge coin for work associates, comrades in arms, or close friends. Knowing what the people in your group identify with is helpful when seeking a challenge coin design template.

Consider your organization’s best attributes and aspects when putting your design together. You could also use inspiration from a special occasion to incorporate into your challenge coin designs. You can choose the best themes for the coin by knowing your audience.

2. Choose an Appealing Template

You should find a challenge coin template that jumps off the coin for the viewer. The coin is the perfect way to promote your group and its membership; a stunning coin will further those ends. Your members will want to collect and treasure a challenge coin they find visually appealing.

3. Find Quality Materials

The best challenge coins use a template that involves quality materials and metals. It’s best to design a challenge coin that will withstand time and use durable materials. When making a challenge coin, you can plate the materials you use to add to the coin’s visual appeal.

You’ll also demonstrate that your group or organization is committed to quality. Find the best materials and avoid cutting corners on your custom challenge coin.

4. Include a Logo

A proper challenge coin design template includes a prominent space for the logo of your group or organization. With a short glance, the logo helps viewers see who and what the coin represents. Members will also have a much easier time identifying each other using the logo.

5. Use a Hidden Message

Include a hidden message in the coin that contains symbolism and importance for your exclusive members. The best templates have heavy symbolism. Choose a motto or a vital phrase and engrave it on the coin.

Choose Your First Challenge Coin Design Template

The people in your organization deserve recognition and appreciation, and a challenge coin design template is an incredible place to start when thanking them. Include a logo and a hidden but relevant message in the coin’s design to bring people together. Choose quality materials to ensure the coin is durable, and ensure your coin has visual appeal.

Running a business and building a cohesive team is challenging, but the best managers find a way. Explore our Business blog content to find more creative ways to build unity in your organization!

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