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How to Avoid Using Your Cell Phone While Driving

The majority of cell phone owners rarely leave home without their devices. Cell phones have become handy-dandy gadgets that allow owners to check email, voicemail, and text messages.

However, electronic devices have also become road hazards.

One way to avoid using the device while driving is to shut it down completely before turning on the car.

Hearing the alert notification, seeing the phone screen light up, or listening to it vibrate could cause alarm for the driver. Thus, causing them to reach for it and check what’s happening.

Instead, employ strategies to avoid using the phone while driving and stay abreast of potential emergencies.

For example, take care of business before starting the vehicle.

Talking and texting while driving has driven up the distracted driving accident statistics

Since driving is a privilege, drivers must respect it.

More importantly, it’s essential to know that some PI attorneys won’t take your case, especially if the driver caused an accident by texting while driving or talking on an electronic device.

So, we outline how to avoid using your cell phone while driving.

Make a Pledge

The It Can Wait pledge from AT&T probably targeted teen drivers more than adults. Therefore, it might sound silly for adults to pledge to refrain from using their electronic devices while driving.

However, the pledge can serve several purposes that have many benefits.

For example, adults, especially parents, remain the example and role models for their kids. Even adult siblings set the tone for their younger ones.

Thus, pledge to avoid using phones while navigating vehicles.

Shut Down the Phone

Next, shut down the phone completely before heading out. Smartphone owners know what notification alerts sound like, and most owners are programmed to reach for their devices when they hear them.

Therefore, avoid the temptation to reach for the device by shutting it down completely.

Shutting down the phone entirely might cause anxiety for some individuals. We’ll explain the benefits and how to deal with shutting off the phone – so continue reading.

Take Care of Business Before Driving

Emergencies do occur, and the fastest way to find out about them is by using electronic devices.

Drive with peace of mind by taking care of business before turning on the car.

Drivers expecting essential phone calls, messages, or alerts, should time their commute according to the urgency.

For example, if a wife is about to go into labor or a loved one will undergo surgery, plan around the event.

Place the Phone in the Backseat

Some professionals encourage drivers to place the electronic device in the backseat behind them.

It’s a sound strategy since many individuals place their purses and bags in the backseat. Thus, the device can stay in the items instead of on their person.

However, some drivers might need to couple this strategy with others, such as shutting it off completely.

Nonetheless, those expecting an emergency message, notification, or call can leave it on and pull over when they hear them.

Pull Over if an Emergency Arises

Drivers share the roads with others. Thus, they must also consider the safety of others.

Emergencies might happen while driving; cell phones are the easiest way to find out. Pull over when the emergency happens instead of dealing with it while driving.

Drivers who pull over to the roadside might catch the phone call the first time. Plus, the call might cause anxiety or agitation, and driving under that kind of emotional distress is not a good idea.

Download a Self-Locking App

Downloading a self-locking app is another strategy to consider. The driver must have the discipline to use it and enjoy the app’s benefits.

Moreover, most self-locking apps remain free, especially if the phone’s provider offers them.

Otherwise, do some research and find out what others are recommending to each other.

Use the Car Radio 

It’s fun to listen to music playlists while driving. Many people put the lists together on their smartphones and play them in their cars.

However, sometimes the playlists aren’t long enough, and drivers must mess with their smartphones to shift to the next playlist.

Instead of using music playlists on smartphones, use the car radio to avoid the temptation of using other cell phone features while driving.

Besides, turning on the car radio allows drivers to hear weather and traffic reports for their local areas.


Cell phones have become productivity tools and convenient gadgets that the population loves. However, technology has also become a road hazard. Avoid using cell phones while driving by shutting them down, downloading a self-locking app, or pulling over if an emergency arises. 

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